How to Build Confidence with 2 Bulletproof Questions with Steven Rowell – Ep. 45

How to build bulletproof confidence with 2 questions

Welcome to Daily Confidence for Entrepreneurs Show Episode 45. In this episode, join my friend Steven Rowell and me talk about How to Build Bulletproof Confidence with 2 Questions. Listen to the podcast here: KEY POINTS: How did you build your confidence as an entrepreneur? What does certainty have to do with loneliness? Can you […]

How to Speak with Confidence with Lena Livinsky – Ep. 32

Speaking with Confidence Welcome to Daily Confidence for Entrepreneurs Show Episode 32. In this episode, join my friend Lena Levinsky talk about how to Speak with Confidence.   Listen to the podcast here: KEY POINTS: How to get over the fear of  Public Speaking? What are the 3 ways so people can speak with Clarity? How to […]

Overcoming Adversity and Building Confidence Through the Storm – Ep.15

Overcoming adversity and Building Confidence through the storm. Ep. 14 with Jesse Todisco

Join my friend Jesse Todisco and me for a conversation about: Overcoming Adversity and Building Confidence Through the Storm Listen to the podcast here: LEGAL CONDITIONS: With all rights reserved, Mostafa Hosseini owns the copyright in and to all content in and transcripts of the Daily Confidence for Entrepreneurs Show podcast, and his right […]

How Cleaning and Maintaining your Car will Help Boost your Confidence – Ep. 14

Cleaning and maintaining your car will help you boost your confidence Welcome to Daily Confidence for Entrepreneurs Show – Episode 14. In this episode, Mostafa Hosseini will go over how “Cleaning and Maintaining your Car” will help you boost your confidence. Over the years, Mostafa learned that growing a business has its own ups and downs, requires confidence on a daily basis, and is here […]

How Creating and Reviewing your Bucket List will help you boost your confidence – Ep. 12

Why is a bucket list important? Welcome to Daily Confidence for Entrepreneurs Show – Episode 12  In this episode, Mostafa Hosseini will go over his “Confidence 52! Checklist”, and talk about how “Creating and Reviewing your Bucket List” will help you boost your confidence. You can DOWNLOAD the list at This is a list that Mostafa has built over […]

How can self-talk increase self-confidence? with Jeff Heggie – Ep.10

Build Confidence with Powerful Self Talk.- Ep.10

Welcome to Daily Confidence for Entrepreneurs Show Episode 10. Join my friend Jeff Heggie and me to know how to “Build Confidence with Powerful Self Talk”. Listen to the podcast here: LEGAL CONDITIONS: With all rights reserved, Mostafa Hosseini owns the copyright in and to all content in and transcripts of the Daily Confidence […]

A Friendly Conversation about Confidence with Jesse Brisendine – Ep.006

A Friendly Conversation About Confidence - Ep.006

Welcome to Daily Confidence for Entrepreneurs Show Episode 006. Join my friend, Jesse Brisendine and me on “A Friendly Conversation about Confidence”. Listen to the podcast here: KEY POINTS: What is your story and experience of Confidence? How did you create a blueprint of Confidence in your mind? What is the process of getting […]