How Creating and Reviewing your Bucket List will help you boost your confidence – Ep. 12

Welcome to Daily Confidence for Entrepreneurs Show – Episode 12 

In this episode, Mostafa Hosseini will go over his “Confidence 52! Checklist”, and talk about how “Creating and Reviewing your Bucket List” will help you boost your confidence. You can DOWNLOAD the list at This is a list that Mostafa has built over the past 20 years while he has been working on boosting his confidence on a daily basis. This checklist will give you simple tools and techniques that you can try on a daily basis. 

Over the years, Mostafa learned that growing a business requires confidence on a daily basis, and is here to share those experiences with you through coaching calls, interviews, and monologues. Mostafa will share the wisdom he has gained through the years on starting, running and maintaining his businesses.

If you are an entrepreneur, you want to be an entrepreneur, or if you are somebody that has launched a business and struggling with your confidence and trying to figure out what your next steps are in growing and scaling your business confidently, this show is going to be for you.

Listen to the podcast here:

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  • What is a Bucket List?
  • Why is a Bucket List important?
  • How does creating and reviewing the Bucket List help with your confidence?


0:02 – My definition of a bucket list is a list of things that you want to do or a list of experiences that you want to happen in your life.

2:50 – Nothing boosts your confidence, like knowing exactly what you want and having it with clarity.

4:37 – Being very clear about my Bucket List, gives me confidence and self-esteem.

10:30 – The way to write your Bucket List is by thinking like what if money, time, and other resources were not limited. 

13:59 – The more you review your Bucket List, the more likely for you to experience those items on your bucket list and reach it, achieve it, and do it.


Mostafa Hosseini  0:02 

Good morning, Good afternoon, Good evening. Welcome to Daily Confidence for Entrepreneurs. My name is Mostafa Hosseini, your host for the show. At Daily Confidence for Entrepreneurs, our purpose is to share tips and actionable advice that you can use on a daily basis when it comes to running your business. 

Whether it’s your self-confidence, your self-esteem, or your confidence in different areas of business, whether it’s sales, whether it’s the management of your company, and whether it’s marketing, dealing with people and the rest of it. 

Today, I am doing another episode on my Confidence 52! Checklists where you could download the checklist here from the following link that I just shared with you. This is a list of action items that I have compiled over the past 20 years. Things that I have done that help me and other people to boost their confidence instantly. 

There are 52 action items and things that you could do. When you go through the list, pick one of them, you do it and you instantly feel better. You feel more confident. So go download the list and grab the list. Try them and let us know how it felt. 

I’m talking about what are the items on the list, which is creating and reviewing your bucket list. This topic is very important, it’s very near and dear to my heart. It is one of the things that actually helps quite a bit with confidence. You can download one of the items on the list. I’m going to give you a template to download my Bucket List template later, as I’m going to talk about it

What is a Bucket List? My definition of a bucket list is a list of things that you want to do. A list of experiences that you want to have, or you want to have happened in your life that is coming up. I’m going to show you a template here in a minute or two. Basically, lists of things that you want to do in different areas of life. 

How creating and reviewing your bucket list help you boost your confidence Ep.12
The clarity that you get from knowing exactly what you want helps you boost your confidence.

For example, family, finance, business, traveling, nature, holidays, and what you want to do for fun. The books you want to read and the rest of it. What exactly do you want to do in each area of your business? The question then becomes, why is a bucket list important? How does it help me with my confidence? 

The most important thing when it comes to boosting your confidence is knowing exactly what you want in life. Nothing boosts your confidence, like knowing exactly what you want and having it with clarity. A 100%, 3DHD clarity of what exactly you want. 

I want to have a family with three kids, right? This is what I want. Here is a list of things that I want to do with my family in the future. Right here are the travel destinations that I want to do. Here is how much money I want to have. The things that I want to do with my business and my different bank accounts. How much cash or how many customers do I want to have on the list. 

Once you know exactly what you want, getting it becomes a lot easier. The clarity that you get from knowing exactly what you want helps you boost your confidence. You can implement and create an action plan to help you get there. 

The next question that I’m going to bring up is, what if I don’t have a bucket list? What would happen I don’t have it and I’m still alive and you know, things are working and things are okay. My response to that is if you don’t have a bucket list. A list of personal things that you want to achieve and do in life, it becomes harder to get up in the morning. 


My bucket list basically motivates me in the morning. Basically, this is a keyword part of my why because that’s the lifestyle that I want to build. This is a list of experiences that I want to build for myself, for my family, for my customers, for my team members, and the rest of it.


So by going through this exercise, filling out your bucket list, you will help yourself reduce confusion in life, reduce frustrations, and reduce anxiety because of the clarity on knowing exactly what you want which helps you to be focused.

Being very clear about it, gives me confidence, gives me self-esteem, and helps me go to work like 16 to 18 hours a day. This is part of why I am able and have been working anywhere from 14 to 18 hours a day straight for the past three to four months. Why? Because my why’s pretty strong on the things that I want to do and why I do what I do. 


My bucket list is basically part of why I work over the weekend. I work till like two or three in the morning on a Saturday night. Then I’m right back at it on Sunday, if needed, or Monday. This is because I am pretty sure I have a pretty strong why, and it doesn’t make me tired. I love what I do. 


Here’s my personal story with a bucket list. I started creating a bucket list for myself. My earliest memory is 2005 or 2006, where I actually wrote down a list of things that I want to experience and have in different areas of life. 


Over the past 10 or 20 years, every single time that I faced a failure when things were not going the way I wanted it. When I felt bad about myself, about my business, about my life, and things were just not working. The moment I remembered my bucket list, I took it out, and reviewed it. It helped me feel good, instantly. It helped me boost my confidence. 


Here’s why. When you review your bucket list, you remind yourself that what’s happening right now is temporary. We’re going to get past this. These bucket list items are the things that I’m going to have, going to reach, and going to do. Right? You remind yourself that what’s happening, the failure that I’m facing right now is going to go through. We’re not going to stay here. We’re moving forward to have these experiences. The failure that is happening, and the not-so-good part that is happening right now is temporary. We’re going to move forward. 


Then the question is, how do you do it?  What I’m going to do is, I’m going to give you a link to the template for a bucket list that I’m going to share with you. I’m going to go over it here in a minute and go over this template. Feel free to download this bucket list template, fill it out, and basically go over it. 

How creating and reviewing your bucket will help you boost your confidence Ep.12
The more specific you are about your bucket list items, the easier it is for you to reach those goals.

Once you go on that page,, you’re going to opt-in and get the chance to download this template along with other gifts that our previous speakers have brought in and our guest experts have contributed to the show. You get to download that, plus this bucket list template. 

As you can see on my screen, I’m just going to zoom in. Here are a few items. Family, what do you want to do with your family? What exactly do you want to happen with your family? When do you want to have that by? For example, personally, I want to go skiing in the Whistler Mountain Resort, for the ski vacation in December or January of this coming year. That’s one of the things on my list. 

Finances, how much money do you want to have? What do you want to be worth? How many bank accounts and in which countries? What’s going to happen? 

Business. What is going to be the annual business revenue and profits? How many customers do you need to have? Or 1 do you want to have on the list? Offices. How many offices do you want? What industries Do you want to serve? 

The way this game works is that the more specific you are about your bucket list items, the easier it is for you to reach those goals. The easier it is for you to experience these bucket list items. 

Sporting and special events. Which special event do you want to go to? Maybe it’s a hockey game you want to watch. Or it’s a football game? Maybe it’s a basketball game? What team and when do you want to do it? Which stadium do you want to go watch a game at? 

The next one is your holidays and vacations. Where do you want to go? How many weeks a year do you want to get time off? What class of travel do you want to go to? Is it first class, economy, or business class? Exactly where do you want to go? 

I want to go and visit Egypt and the pyramids in the next two years. So by 2022 I want to be visiting the pyramids in Egypt. I know exactly where to go. You know I want to climb the pyramids and the rest of it. For me, I want to go see the Wall of China. I want to go to India and visit Taj Mahal and the rest of it. 

In nature, what do you want to happen in nature? Health and fitness? How much do you want to weigh? Vitamins, workouts? What do you want to be able to do with your health and fitness? Fun. What type of fun do you want to have? How often? Who do you want to do it with? Books. What do you want to read? How many books and what books are on your bucket list? Other events. 

Once you read your bucket list, you train the Reticular Activating System part of your brain, which looks for clues, to help you reach your goals.

Then you go to page two here. Homes. How many homes do you want to own? Vacation homes in different places around the world or in your city? What type of cars do you want to have? Who do you want to meet to help you reach your goals or who do you want to meet just for the sake of meeting them because you like to see them. 

Again, the more specific you get about it, the easier it is for you to get it. Now you go through it. This will take maybe half an hour to an hour. To start with, just write it down. Here’s the rule, the way to write your bucket list is by thinking like what if money, time, and other resources were not limited. 

So, if you had all the time and all the money in the world, what would you do? Don’t look at the limitations that you have in place right now. Think beyond your limited limitations and think outside the box. Write it in a way that makes it easier for you to think. 

Obviously, you’re not going to show this to anybody, or you don’t have to put the entire list in front of other people or publish on Facebook and email it to everyone. This is a personal thing. You basically do it the way you want it. If you want to share parts of it with other people, you definitely can.

Once you’re done with this, you will see that at the bottom of the second page, let me just resize this, or scroll down. You’re going to see here a question that says, what do I want to cross off my list in the next 90 days? This quarter, what item is off my bucket list? Do I want to cross it off and check it off? 

That question gives me clarity on the one thing that I want to cross off the list in the next 90 days. It helps me to feel good about myself, about my activities, and the rest of it. 

When you’re done with your bucket list, what you need to do is put it somewhere close or print it. Put it on your phone or somewhere that you could see it on a weekly, monthly, and quarterly basis. Review your bucket list often. So that you know exactly what you want to experience and the lifestyle that you’re trying to build. 

How creating and reviewing your Bucket List help you boost your confidence Ep.12
Review your bucket list often. So that you know exactly what you want to experience and the lifestyle that you're trying to build. .

The more you review your bucket list, the more likely for you to experience those items on your bucket list and reach it, achieve it, and do it. Now, once you read your bucket list, you train the reticular activating system, a part of your brain which looks for clues to help you reach your goals. 

The more often you remind yourself about things that you want for your bucket list, the easier it is for the reticular activating system. RAS, I think, is the part of your brain that finds clues, people, and things to help you reach your goals and experience your bucket list items. 

Here’s what the bucket list will do for you. Number one, it helps you boost your confidence and self-esteem, knowing exactly what you want. Number two, it gives you clarity and focus. It is exactly what I want. Here’s how it is described. I want to do it by such and such date. You know exactly what to do there. 

Next thing, you can actually get people to help you with your bucket list items. For example, you would go out there and say, “Hey guys, I want to travel to Japan.” I want to go visit Tokyo and a certain place there that I want to see. If you let people around know that this is what you want to do, maybe one of your friends also wants to go there. 

On the other hand, maybe they know someone that can help you get there or a tour guide or a company that provides amazing experiences for people who are planning to go visit Tokyo, Japan. Then they can introduce you and they can actually help you reach your bucket list items. 

You don’t have to share your entire bucket list but could do it for the ones that you feel comfortable sharing with other people so they can help you. Let them help you. Hopefully, you are open to the idea of letting other people help you with your bucket list items. 

The next thing that it does for you is, it helps you reduce confusion, frustration, and anxiety. Most people have a lot of confusion, frustration, and anxiety. They don’t know exactly what they want. By going through this exercise, filling out your bucket list, you will help yourself reduce confusion in life, reduce frustrations, and reduce anxiety because of the clarity on knowing exactly what you want which helps you to be focused. 

By going through this exercise, filling out your bucket list, you will help yourself reduce confusion in life, reduce frustrations, and reduce anxiety because of the clarity on knowing exactly what you want which helps you to be focused.

Get rid of confusion because you know exactly what’s going to happen and what you’re going to do. What you’re aiming for and what you’re going for.

The other thing is, if you want to share some parts of it with other people, they can help you, hold you accountable, and support you in reaching and achieving your goals. If you have a support system and an accountability system, which would be I guess, in this case, free, you could let your family members know.

Let your wife know, let your kids know, and let your parents know, that here’s what I’m trying to do in my life. They can help you, support you, and hold you accountable for reaching your goals. 

Also, by reviewing your goals and your bucket list items, often, you can reach it faster and do things faster because you’re constantly reminding yourself that here’s what’s going to happen. Here is what needs to happen. 

So go to the link that I am going to put on the show notes here. Download the bucket list template from The link again is Download it. Try it and come back. Maybe leave a note on whichever channel you’re watching, whether it’s YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, or on our podcast platforms. 

Leave a comment, give us a review and let us know how it felt for you to basically go through this exercise. Hope it works well for you. Go ahead and download it. 

I’ve been practicing this bucket list thing for the past 20 years. We do it with our students in our programs. I do it personally and it often works. Try it and actually download the  Confidence 52! Checklists from our website as well and go from there. 

Anyway, I hope you like it. I hope this works for you. If you know someone that could benefit from what we just shared, please tag them in here and if you have any questions about what I just talked about or other topics that we bring up on a regular basis, leave a comment, ask your question. We will get back to you. 

Also that will enter you into a draw for the gifts that we give away on a weekly basis. You can also find the episodes of our show on our podcast platform on AppleSpotifyRadio.Com, and a list of other platforms that are out there. Feel free to download, subscribe, and rate our show. 

If you found it useful, I would greatly appreciate it if you give a review and rate our show on the Apple podcast or on Spotify and different platforms. Hope you found this useful. My name is Mostafa Hosseini, your host for Daily Confidence for Entrepreneurs. See you later on our next episode. Bye now.