What Books Should Entrepreneurs Read? (Best Business Books)

Best Business books - What Books Should Entrepreneurs Read

In this article, I go over what are the best business books that I have read over the years. These books have made a massive impact on my life and on my coaching clients. As business owners, we want to reach our goals/dreams and create the lifestyle that we always dream about, but sometimes we’re […]

What types of books should business owners read? Fiction or Nonfiction?

What types of books should business owners read

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=arzctYUAgmo What types of books should business owners read? Hi everybody Mostafa Hosseini here. Today I’m talking about reading books, fiction versus nonfiction. As business owners, should we read fiction or nonfiction or a combination? So about a month ago, I was sitting down grabbing coffee with another business coach here in Calgary named Jared […]