How does goal setting help you boost your confidence? – Ep.009

Welcome to Daily Confidence for Entrepreneurs Ep.009.

In this episode, Mostafa Hosseini will go over his “Confidence 52! Checklist”, and talk about “How does goal setting help you boost your confidence” will help you boost your confidence.

You can DOWNLOAD it here

This is a list that Mostafa has built over the past 20 years while he has been working on boosting his confidence on a daily basis.

The checklist will give you simple tools and techniques that you can try on a daily basis.

Over the years, Mostafa learned that growing a business has its own ups and downs, requires confidence on a daily basis, and is here to share those experiences with you.

Through coaching calls, interviews, and monologues, Mostafa will share the wisdom he has gained through the years on starting, running and maintaining his businesses. 

If you are an entrepreneur, you want to be an entrepreneur, or if you are somebody that has launched a business and struggling with your confidence and trying to figure out what your next steps are in growing and scaling your business confidently, this show is going to be for you.

Listen to the podcast here:

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  • The importance of Goal Setting
  • Reviewing your goals can help you focus in moving forward.
  • Come up with ways to reach your goal. 



1:46 –  Writing down a clear set of goals that you want to achieve. 

3:02 – Knowing exactly what you want, helps you reduce your frustrations and reduce your anxiety and then overall boost your confidence.

4:14 – A good exercise or the best exercise is for us to review our goals every single day. 

How does goal setting help you boost your confidence?


Good morning, good afternoon, good evening. Welcome to Daily Confidence for Entrepreneurs. My name is Mostafa Hosseini, and I’m your host for the show. At Daily Confidence for Entrepreneurs, we share tips and actionable advice that you can use on a daily basis to boost your confidence and run your business and grow and scale your business confidently. 

Today we’re doing episode 9 of this show. I am going over Confidence 52! checklist. This is a checklist that I have compiled over the past 20 years trying and testing different methods and daily routines and action items that you can use to boost your confidence on a daily basis. I’m just gonna put the link here in the chatbox. You can download Confidence 52! checklist and start working through the list with me. 

Today I am going over how setting and reviewing your goals will help you boost your confidence and your self-esteem. Overall it will help you achieve your goals and run your business a lot easier, and with more confidence. 

Here are a couple of facts about goals and goal setting. Less than 3% of business owners have a clear set of goals that they are pursuing. These business owners are 10 times more likely to actually achieve their goals.

How Setting and Reviewing your Goals will help you boost your confidence! Ep.009
Make your goal specific.

Just writing down a clear set of goals and a clear set of things that you want to achieve that is realistic and achievable. Writing it down makes it 10 times more likely for you to achieve it. Why? Because you then know what to do. You know what you’re trying to achieve here. Knowing what to do will help you boost your confidence. 

In my experience, and I’ve heard it from many, many other business owners over the past few years, nothing boosts your confidence, like setting your goals and knowing exactly what you want in life. Like having a vivid image and a vivid vision of exactly what you’re trying to achieve and what you’re trying to get. Knowing what you want in life basically gives you the clarity, and the focus that you need to get your mind and to get your brain to work to help you get there.

As a result, knowing exactly what you want, helps you reduce your frustrations and reduce your anxiety and then overall boost your confidence. Once you know exactly what you want, for example, I need to come up with a way to serve 20 customers this month, or 200 customers this month, right? You can ask your brain, “Hey brain, I need you to come up with ways to help me serve 200 customers this month.” Then your brain is like “Alright, we need to serve 200 customers. Let’s see what we can do to basically do that.”

Knowing what to do will help you boost your confidence.

Here are a couple of other key points to this. Make sure your goals are set in place or printed and displayed in a place in your office or at home where you can see it every single day. Why? Because you want to remind yourself every single day that here is where we’re going. Here’s what we’re trying to do.

What happens with most business owners and entrepreneurs is they only remember their goal in December because they didn’t achieve their goals and only remembered the goal in January. So early January, they get really pumped up and set up the new year’s resolution.  Then three weeks or four weeks into January, people forget it.

People forget their goals for the rest of the year and wandering around and back in December. They have that aha moment and then realize that, “You know what? I haven’t received or achieved my goals. Let me take a look and focus on it.”

A good exercise or the best exercise is for us to review our goals every single day. Display it somewhere so you could see it. We could take a look at it and remind ourselves that this is where I’m going.

Here’s an example, if an airplane is flying from Vancouver, Canada, to Los Angeles, right, from Vancouver to Los Angeles, the plane goes on route. There is this system that is constantly tracking the position of the plane to make sure that the plane is going from Vancouver to Los Angeles. If it gets off track, the system or the software, very quickly brings the plane back on track, to make sure that we’re actually going where we’re supposed to go.

Checking your goals every single day and reminding yourself that “Yes, this is where I’m going. Here’s what I’m trying to do” do the job of that tracking for you. If you’re off route, it will bring you back on route and say, “Hey, here’s where we’re trying to go. Let’s not get off track.” So that we’re not only focusing on our goals,  we’re not only remembering our goals a few weeks a year. Every single day, we’ve got to remember our goals and know exactly what we’re doing. 

For those of you who have joined me later, I am talking about how setting and reviewing your goals will help you boost your confidence and your self-esteem and boost your confidence in running your business. 

If you are interested in receiving our gifts, that giveaways that we do at every episode, you need to be commenting on our show live or on our podcast, or write a review about our show, or tag a friend who you think could benefit from the conversation that we’re having. 

How Setting and Reviewing your Goals will help you boost your confidence! - Ep.009
Let your mind work on your goal.

Let me give you a little more about Goal Setting. If your goal is vague, let me give you a vague goal. I want millions of dollars in the bank. Right? When you have a goal like that, your brain or our brain cannot come up with a way to get millions of dollars. Why? Because $1 million is a million. $999 million is still into the millions, right? However, getting $1 million, and getting $999 million are very different. The process is different. Mindset is different. What is needed is different. You have to be very specific with your mind and your brain about exactly what you want. 

When it comes to your business, your main goal must be set. This is a very important point here. Your main goal must be set in terms of the number of people that you need to serve to reach your financial goal. The main goal is helping people and serving people. So that the financial goal is a natural byproduct of reaching your main goal. 

By the way, gang, if you have any questions about what we talked about, just post it in the comments, and I’ll try to address it. If you’re listening to this on our podcast later, post a question. I’ll do my best to cover it in the following podcast or respond to you and reply to you. 

You want your main goal to be set in terms of the number of people that you need to help and serve to reach your financial goal. You’re focused on helping people and serving people. Why is this important? Because when you have your main goal set as a financial goal, for example, I need a million dollars. Number one, your brain cannot come up with ways to get a million bucks. But your brain can come up with ways to help a few people to get a million dollars. It’s just almost the same thing, but it’s a slightly different approach. A lot healthier for you to think about helping people and serving people versus trying to get money.

For example, if I asked you to come up with $100,000 in the next month, your brain may not come up with a way. But if I asked you to come up with a way to serve 100 people next month, your brain may very well come up with ways to find people you can serve and so you can help them. 

Reviewing your goals instantly boosts your confidence, your self-esteem, and your focus on moving forward.

The next point is you have your goal set, and you know exactly what you’re trying to achieve. If at any given point, you’re not feeling good. You feel kind of down and you have face to failure. Things are not going the way you want them to. Just grab your list of goals and review your goal.

By reviewing your goal and reviewing what you’re trying to get in life, you immediately tell your mind and tell yourself that “This is a temporary failure I’m facing. This temporary situation that I don’t like that I’m facing, is actually temporary. My goal is where I’m trying to go and that’s where I will go.”

Reviewing your goals instantly boosts your confidence and your self-esteem, and your focus on moving forward. Regardless of how hard we try, we actually do get sidetracked with business and with life. By reviewing our goals, we just remind ourselves that “Yes, this is the path that I’m trying to go. Here’s what I’m trying to achieve. Let’s focus on coming up with ideas and solutions to help me get there.” 

Now, that is it for me. If you haven’t downloaded the Confidence 52! Checklist, go to I have left the link on the show notes and on the comments. For those of you that are watching live, grab this list. We’ve got 52 items that you can do to boost your confidence instantly, right? So if you don’t like one of them, the list is so long, and you could just pick and choose from the remaining items on the list.  

One way that we help our customers and clients to boost their confidence is through planning and goal setting. We do that through our boot camp called Simple Marketing Formula Boot Camp. If you are interested in learning how to plan and set your goals, it helps you boost your confidence, which it does. Then check out our course. There’s always upcoming dates.

This is a course where we work together. It’s a live environment. Where we work on setting our goals and our plan and figure out what our business is about. Basically help you boost your confidence when it comes to your marketing. Reduce the frustrations and all the fears and the headaches and the overwhelming fear of dealing with marketing. All of that will be assigned. 

I hope you enjoyed this episode. Thanks for joining us. If you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment on Facebook, Twitter, or YouTube. On our Apple Podcast platforms, if you have a question, feel free to put it in there. If you ask questions, if you have comments about what we talked about, or if you tag a friend, your name gets entered into a draw where you will get our giveaways either from us or from our guest experts that are coming up. 

Again if you like the episode, please like it. Subscribe. Comment. Tag a friend and join our Facebook page and like us on our Facebook page for daily confidence. Join us on your favorite platform on Apple, on different podcast platforms like Spotify and it, subscribe to it and stay tuned for our next episode. 

My name is Mostafa Hosseini. Hope you enjoyed this episode. I hope that you try and practice. If you practice, let us know what this tip and action item did for you and if it helped you or not. Then we’ll go from there. Have a great day. We will see you later. Bye now.


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