How to run a Profitable Coaching Business…
📢 Christine Schlonski is the Founder of Heart Sell! Academy and the Host of Heart Sells! Podcast. She is known as a multi-talented leader in the field of Sales, Mindset, Motivation, and Strategies.
Heart-centered entrepreneurs who love what they do but are very relucted to selling their services come to her to learn how to sell with ease, transition into a sales conversation with grace and close with confidence. So that they can really enjoy the process while multiplying their income and impact.
In her work she blends the tangible with the intangible.
She empowers you to take ownership of your sales journey, to let go of your fear of selling no matter where you are on your journey right now.
How to run a profitable coaching business. 0:00
What christine is currently working on.
How he got started in sales in Germany.
How he became a coach.
The disconnect between being heart-centered and asking for money.
His approach to profitability.
The difference between sales vs. profitability. 5:54
Why being profitable is important for business owners and coaches.
The difference between sales and profitability.
The difference between profit and being profitable.
The importance of paying yourself first.
Make sure all expenses are paid.
The root cause of coaches struggling with profits.
Advice for a coach that has a hard time asking for money. 12:23
Mindset starts with mindset.
Advice for a coach who has a hard time asking for money.
Become the person and the client you want to attract.
The importance of clarity.
Overcoming the emotional roller coaster.
The value of the coaching service.
Making a personal inventory of your strengths. 18:45
The importance of taking a personal inventory.
Giving yourself credit and giving yourself credit.
Create a folder of positive feedback.
Cultivate self-talk that is supporting you.
How to stop worrying and start creating results. 23:28
What people love to buy from successful people.
30 or 40% of worries about things that never happened.
Listen to yourself and be aware.
Be gentle with yourself and learn from the experience.
Growth mindset. Nothing can go wrong.
Christine shares her story around profits.
How to charge the right price? 30:18
A friend of mine also coach had a similar experience.
Coaching doesn’t cost anything.
Provide more value than what you charge.
The first step to charging the right amount.
How much time and money have you invested in yourself? 34:24
The first challenge, not enough clarity and understanding.
The profitable coach summit.
All the different areas of coaching.
How to unlock the ultimate flow in your business.
Dan Kennedy, main job is to run and maintain a profitable business.
Practical steps.
What is the new thing that you have tried recently? 40:58
About the profitable coach summit.
The new thing she has tried recently.
The Go Giver by Bob Berg and John David Mann.
The one advice that made a massive change.
Figure out what makes your heart sing.
Advice to 20 year old self.
The importance of taking time for yourself. 48:45
Relaxation leads to confidence and creativity.
The importance of taking time for yourself.
Sales is law, and the more you share, the more it grows.
Profitable coaches summit.
We are pleased to provide these show notes to make this podcast more accessible to those who prefer to read.
Please note that this is an automated transcription and may contain errors.
Mostafa Hosseini 0:00
Hi. Welcome to daily confidence for entrepreneurs. My name is Mostafa Hosseini. And today we have another amazing guest and amazing topic. My guest today is Christine Shlonsky. Welcome, Christine.
Christine Schlonski 0:11
Thank you so much for having me. I’m so excited to be here.
Mostafa Hosseini 0:15
Yeah, great to have you. And we’re talking about how to run a profitable coaching business. This is a very, very important and critical topic for business owners, especially coaches.
And we’re gonna dive very deep into this talk about profitability, why you need to be profitable, how to be profitable, and we’re going to share with you an amazing, beyond that amazing resource, with 20 different gifts that will help you boost your coaching business’s profitability in ways that you probably don’t even know about yet.
So Christine, how’s your day going? So far?
Christine Schlonski 0:51
So far? So good. I’m all the way over here in Germany, late at night. So what else could you do besides sleep? And I won’t be boring.
Mostafa Hosseini 0:58
Have you had your coffee yet?
Christine Schlonski 1:02
In the later afternoon? Yes.
Mostafa Hosseini 1:04
Beauty beauty. So what’s been keeping you busy these days? Well, you know,
Christine Schlonski 1:10
I’ve working I have been working on this wonderful project where I have gathered 25 of the best speakers and experts when it really comes to building a profitable coaching business, where you have like all these different elements you kind of need to take into consideration, right?
There’s like the planning piece. And then there’s a piece like, do I hustle too much do I push too much? What do I need to look at to become a profitable coach? How do I ask for money, do ask for money? How do I make my price.
So it has all these different facets, and I’m beyond excited to get this out to the world. And to really share it with those heart centered coaches, who are looking for more impact, who want to serve more, but who also need to make more money. So they are taken care of. And they feel happy and supported and are in the position to make their own dreams come true.
Mostafa Hosseini 2:07
Beauty so please refresh us on your story. What is your story? And how did you get here?
Christine Schlonski 2:12
Yeah, so I started out in sales, not even wanting to be in sales. And then I realized that I had something I was pretty good at it. And I became better and better. But you know, there was this day where I realized I’m climbing the corporate ladder in Germany, but still a corporate ladder. And it didn’t feel aligned anymore.
And I felt uncomfortable in the job. And I figured out well, if I stay, I’m going to be unhappy. If I leave, I just going to start from scratch at a new company. And pretty soon I’m doing the same thing climbing the career ladder, I’m going to be unhappy too. So I became a coach to figure out why I was unhappy and how I could change so that things became better. And during that coach training, which took a whole year we had a session towards the end, how to sell ourselves as coaches.
And I could just watch all these amazing people in the room who have trained so hard, who had learned so much over the years who have brought so much knowledge and love into the space that they seem to struggle. This was a thought of, of course I you know, sell my packages, or I offer my services. And I realized in this moment, well, there seems to be a need in the market to sell people how to sell with ease, with grace with confidence.
Because by the time then I already was, you know, a sales manager, senior sales manager, and I was handling teams, I was helping people to sell to learn how to sell to become even better in sales. And yeah, I could really see how that there was a disconnect with being heart centered, and making offers being heart centered, asking for money.
And yeah, I started to learn to study and then that’s what I do today. I help heart centered entrepreneurs, mainly coaches, to really sell this grace and ease and confidence so that they can help others and by helping others also make their own dreams come true.
Mostafa Hosseini 4:30
Absolutely. There is some of the coaches that I know especially the heart centered people have a hard time asking for the sale. And that becomes difficult, which hopefully we can we could shed some light on that today in our in our conversation.
Christine Schlonski 4:45
Yes, definitely.
Mostafa Hosseini 4:46
So what is your approach and view on profitability?
Christine Schlonski 4:52
So somehow, and it’s not just you know, I can compare different countries because I’ve lived in different countries. I’ve observe different cultures and Prop to be profitable seems to be a word or a sentence that kind of comes with a taste, that’s not wonderful. It seems like we have to take something from somebody else, right?
We add somebody else’s cost, we make money. And being profitable basically means that at the end of the day, your business is also working for you. Like you have enough money coming in that a you can pay all of your bills, and be you can enjoy the lifestyle that you want to enjoy. I know so many heart centered coaches who are looking for their freedom, right, they want to do what they want to do when they want to do it, how they want to do it.
And, yeah, not having enough money is just pretty limiting. You can give and give all day. But if you don’t receive anything in return, you are going to burn out. So I think being profitable is really, really important for you as a business owner, as a coach, because it will give you kind of a safety map as well. It will help you to make your dreams come true.
And it also helps you to serve even better, because if you have to worry about money all the time, you can’t serve in a way that you could if you know everything’s fine, and you do what you do because you love it. And I think that’s really the piece of being profitable to make sure there’s more than enough at the end of the day for all the hard work you have put in
Mostafa Hosseini 6:43
beauty beauty. Tara says Hi, welcome, Tara, good to see you. If you have any questions about coaching businesses and profitability, feel free to put them in the chat box and Christine will do her best to answer your questions. I’m going to ask some questions that are gonna sound somewhat dumb and obvious. But I think over the years of experience, people not even pay attention to the stuff because some things are so obvious that we don’t pay attention to it.
So tell us the difference between sales and profitability and how people mistake that.
Christine Schlonski 7:24
Yeah. So basically, so when you make a sale, right, it’s like you give a service or a product and you receive money, that does not mean that you are profitable, right profit means you have something over after you know, the government came and collected their tax. And after you paid whatever you had to pay to create the product.
So really means like there’s some icing on the cake so to speak. And you know, you’re not having like a dry cake, but you have a cake that has you know, I say get some decorations on it. And that’s basically what you want to take to a make sure that your business is running and there’s money in your business.
There’s a really great book and I’m quite sure you you’ve heard about it Mostafa. It’s Profit First by Mike McCalla wits, and he teaches that, you know, we obviously we have costs, and then we have the money we get in and you know, be deducted. And then we have what’s kind of left over so the profit comes at the end, and he turns it on his hat.
So with the money that comes in, you pay yourself first. And then you kind of distribute the money to different sources, like your expenses, if you have people in your team, your team, and all of this. So you make sure that your business is growing and you actually have the money in the bank, not just on paper.
And I think for coach and I know many coaches they don’t really like to look at the numbers and to do money tracking and it just feels like ads in the way but it’s really important so that you know where you are in that coaching game and and if your business also works for you, because otherwise you’re gonna wake up one day you work and work and work and you’re given given gifts and then at the end of the day, there’s nothing left for you.
And a that wouldn’t be fair be that’s probably not what you set out to do. And forget about the freedom that we talked about earlier that you probably desire. That’s why you started what you do. And you know there’s like the saying like when your cup isn’t full, you can’t give and that’s also part of it. You have to make sure that your cup is full, all your expenses, everything is paid, that you have that icing on the cake that you have that extra that you can take and say well this is As you know, for my business, I put it aside.
So I know I can run two months, three months, five months, whatever it is for you, without making any money. And I will always be in that comfortable place to know that all my bills are paid. So in case there is a difficult time, I still can relax, I still can sit, stay in my heart come from my heart be of service, instead of now getting into that neediness energy, where I push where I struggle. And that really helps. And then on the other hand, there are your dreams.
They’re the things you want to do spending time with your family, maybe traveling somewhere taking out your loved ones, to a nice restaurants, or I don’t know going to business, whatever it is for you. That’s what the business is supposed to do as well, because that’s why you put your lifeforce and energy in it so that you get something in return. Got that question?
Mostafa Hosseini 11:00
No, you surely did. So why are some coaches struggling with profits? What do you think are some of the root causes there?
Christine Schlonski 11:13
Well, so one root causes that they have, a lot of them have a difficult time selling. So if you have a difficult time selling, you probably over time, get discouraged. And you you know, your confidence goes down. And oftentimes I see that people who can’t sell, they think the price is gonna solve the issue. So their price points go down and down and down. And that’s not helping this profits.
That’s not helping this, you know, having that healthy relationship in your business because your business. And that’s one thing, the other thing is like being able to ask for money, and being able to receive money. And also, oftentimes coaches have this line, I just want to coach, right, I love what I do. Because I love what I do, I kind of feel I shouldn’t get paid for it, or I’m not allowed to take money for it.
So let me just give whatever I have to offer, because I’m so excited and already rewarded, because I can coach you or whoever, you know, comes into the door. And these are the challenges. That is a lot of mindset. Right? It always starts with mindset, from my personal point of view, like once you get your mindset in a way that it supports you, you can actually start to see things differently and to really have your business working for you.
Mostafa Hosseini 12:43
Absolutely, absolutely. Absolutely cannot agree more. What advice would you have for a coach that has a hard time? Asking or accepting money? Yeah. So you overcome that issue? Yeah, and this, this
Christine Schlonski 13:04
is an issue that is like, onion, right? There’s so many layers to it. One thing is that oftentimes, people think if they ask for a price that has to do with them, so they are so they are their product, which they are not, but they feel like they are their product. So it’s like a really super personal thing to sell something.
Then there’s all the questions like the self worse, how did you grow up? Like where’s your money ceiling? Right, with some people, they have a pretty low money ceiling, so they, you know, they feel like 50 bucks an hour, that’s a lot of money. And then if you have that mindset, you know, charging 100 150 200 Or even, you know, in some cases 1000s of dollars, that’s something they just feel so uncomfortable with, because they have never been where they want to go.
And one thing I learned rather early on being an entrepreneur was something that made me invest in my first like very high ticket program was that become the person you want to attract become the client you want to attract. So if I have these challenges, like the self worse, putting myself you know, making myself and the business like one one thing instead of two, and thinking I have to work in my business all the time and the business is not really working for me.
You have like all these things, you kind of need to straighten out and need clarity around because then you understand. You have so much in store and that’s because you know you Look out of your eyes, I always make that example, right? If you’re not in front of a mirror, you cannot see you as a whole person. Simple etc. You can look at your hands, right? Maybe, you know, if you roll your eyes, you can see the tip of your nose. But that’s it, you cannot see the whole picture. Everybody else outside of you is seeing you might have noticed that people give you way more credit, tell you that you are brilliant than you would do yourself.
So we have these challenges with seeing our own words like how did we come here? How can we do what we do today and being paid for it? So if you’re a coach right now, and you struggle, I would just invite you to sit down and just write down what did you do to get here today? Like, did you go to school? If yes, how long? Did you do homework? Did you get you know, good grades? Like? Did you struggle to something? Did you overcome challenges that you pay for mentoring coaching programs? Like how did you become the person you are today?
Right one thing most of it because I can be so confident in what I’m doing is because I’ve done over 1000 calls. Like some people can’t even pick up the phone 10 times. Yeah, you know how 1000s of times I really had to overcome the challenge to pick up the phone and to die the next number. Like, you know, people hanging out people yelling at me like, but there was also all the good stuff. And because I’ve been through that emotional roller coaster I have experienced, like the high like somebody, you know, closing a six figure deal with basically two calls.
Or you know, or like having the phone slammed and being screamed at. It’s like I have the whole spectrum. So I also know how my so my clients, how they feel, what they think what they fear. So look at you, what have you overcome, maybe it wasn’t caused, but I’m quite sure it was something in your life that nobody else has. Your clients have. And that’s why they come to you because they want to experience what you have to offer.
And we don’t put that in the equation. When we think about the value of the service. We give people. I’m not always thinking about that. But I I trained myself to, to think back and to, to recognize and also to acknowledge the past I’ve taken and it wasn’t always easy. It was a there was never the straight line from A to B there was always a detour, struggle, frustration, heartbreak, but there was also all the other amazing stuff. So an every person has this every single one.
So look back, like what have you done to become the person and you realize how much money and time you’ve spent and sweat and tears to be here today. And even look at this, that’s a package your clients are getting, they’re not just getting the, hey, I have a coaching training, and that’s what I do, like 50 bucks an hour coaching, exactly get everything and you can react and guide in a different way because you have those experiences value that enough and therefore they also struggle with you know, asking their price.
Mostafa Hosseini 18:45
Love it. So going back sitting down and writing down why what am I accomplished? What are the hard times that I went through? What have I learned? What is like two different bits of wisdoms that I have, what are the skills that I have? And just making a personal inventory helps us understand and because a lot of us like we have this self victimization approach, which is pretty common all over the world. Now some places have more or less of them.
We just don’t given ourselves enough credit for what we know and what we’re capable of. And your solution of sitting down and writing down here is a list of experiences like I love it, like here are tough times or hard times that I actually went through and here’s what I learned from it and I’m just going to share that advice and the process and the experience with other business owners and people that I just serve and support. And that just gives us I guess more confidence.
Christine Schlonski 19:45
A lot more confidence. And also when you think about what your clients are receiving, right they if you if you’re serving your soulmate clients, right those people that are there for you that are waiting for you to show up.
They need Eat what you have, and you have that and that unique combination. So giving yourself credit, and also understanding that it adds tremendous value to whatever you do. Because you know, in an instant, maybe you can read between the lines, or you can, like, after all these calls, I can hear in the voice of another person, like, what’s this really meaning. And that’s so valuable because you give your clients so much more than probably what you what you sold them.
Mostafa Hosseini 20:32
Absolutely. And one thing that I’ve experienced is, once you create that list, you could just keep it handy. Oh, yes, at any point, you’re not feeling good, if someone puts your done or if your self esteem or self worth is down, just by looking and going through that list again, in a matter of seconds, you could just boost your spirits and, and you know, boost your confidence and get back on the phone and do what needs to be done.
Christine Schlonski 20:57
Yeah, totally. And maybe to that list too, because you just reminded me of that Mustafa is like, have a folder on your desktop, right? Where you put all the positive feedback, you’re getting, like everything, just put it in there, like do a screenshot, put it in there. And then you know, if you don’t have a day where you feel on top of the world, or where you feel like beaten up or, like you’re losing, just go back to that and see how people appreciate you.
Because oftentimes, we have these strange filters, where we just listened to our own feedback, which goes, I’m not fast enough, I’m not far along, I should be there, I should have done this. By now. I should be, I don’t know, six figures, a million, whatever, right? I should have this amount of clients. And it’s just with beating ourselves up with those internal dialogues.
And then if you have such a folder where you see like, What have you accomplished, what made you the person today and you keep adding to it. And then on the other hand, in that folder, you have all the beautiful feedback, where somebody says why you are brilliant, or you helped me with this. Because of you I’m here now that is, you know, that was gonna fill up your soul?
Mostafa Hosseini 22:13
Absolutely. I have like first hand experience with this lesson. Like about a month ago, I was going through about 100 video testimonials from last year with our workshop, and I just I just didn’t stop going through. Like I pushed it back, we had to go through and pick the good ones. But then once I was going through the written and the video testimonials, and that, oh, this is great. This is awesome.
This is amazing. We do do good work, you know, because as what is your experience with like, I’m sure you’ve worked with a lot of coaches and consultants all over time is like, at something people I think build up in their mind is that once I reached this point, I’m not going to worry about things. Yeah. Is there a point where you stop worrying about different things? And this, you know, the internal dialogues that are hurting us? Does that ever stop?
Christine Schlonski 23:09
I’m not I’m not 100% Sure, but I know that you can really train yourself to not go there. Right? That you that you cultivate a self talk that’s supporting you. Because you know, when you beat yourself up, you’re your energy is like going down, right? You can feel it in body. When you feel it in your body, people will see it like they look at you and think like, Oh, she’s not doing too great today.
Or, oh, he doesn’t look too happy. And what people love to buy from successful people. I think that’s something like very, very important. So before you go in a sales conversation or before you, I don’t know, reach out or do a Facebook Live or whatever. Like put yourself into a state where you have high energy where you feel amazing, right? Like just leave your various out of your office door. My my former boss, when I was still in corporate, he always said like, when you come to the sales floor, leave all your worries in the elevator.
And, you know, that’s obviously not something you can do from today till tomorrow that takes a little bit of practice. So, you know, it’s so habit to go back to the worries and to turn it and to spin it and I think Mark Twain said that, like I had 1000 varies and 999 never came through or something like this. I don’t know, I probably totally messed up that quote.
But the idea is that we worry so much about things that will never ever happen. Yeah, don’t waste your time. Look at what you can do. If you can change it, change it. If you can’t change it, vote leave it or you know, get used to it like get the city ovation in a way. It’s always how we perceive things that make people better.
Mostafa Hosseini 25:06
I actually have a blog that I was updating recently. And I think the title is How to Stop Worrying and start creating results. And in there, I shared some stats that I learned from Earl Nightingale Gil, where he says 30, or 40% of our worries are about things that never happened, don’t have a chance of happening. And it just, it just won’t ever happen. And we just catch ourselves worrying about things that don’t even have a chance of happening. And what’s your what’s the fix to that?
Christine Schlonski 25:41
Well, I think just being aware, like really being aware of what’s going on in your mind, like listening to yourself, basically. And as soon as you are aware, you can change things, but you can’t change it as in your subconscious. Because, as it says, subconscious, you can’t get to it. But once you start listening to yourself, once you start, oh, I just I just told myself, I screwed up, or why am I so stupid today? Or why did I say that?
Like, stop it? Like, as soon as you catch yourself, stop it and find a way to reframe it. Right? Okay. So if you beat yourself up, say, Well, next time, I’m gonna do it better. Right next time I’m, I’m, I’m going to be aware, and I’m gonna do it this way.
Mostafa Hosseini 26:34
I love your response to that, like the awareness piece is like, as long as I think to a certain point, I’ve trained myself personally to become aware of worrying about things that are real or not to stop that our gardens like only 4% of our worries. If we’re worried about 100 things, there are only four of them that you can actually do anything about.
Right and become becoming to that awareness of this is actually a real, this is something I should worry about. Then we go about, you know, coming up with a solution. And then the next steps to that.
Christine Schlonski 27:10
Yeah, and be gentle to yourself. Right when I just butchered that quote earlier, like, I don’t know many to go to, I could go in my head like, Oh, my goodness, I’m on this interview, Miss Mustafa. And I totally butchered that quote, and Lu, y could say, Well, okay, well, I didn’t know it. So I better look it up. And next time I can see it correctly. Absolutely.
So just, you know, just be okay with making mistakes, you’ll make a ton of mistakes anyway. So just be gentle with yourself and learn from the experience. And then know you always will grow. If you’re curious, if you, you know, are in for a growth mindset, then nothing can go wrong, you can always improve.
Mostafa Hosseini 27:58
Absolutely. Now, Christine, do you happen to have like a story around profits? Maybe at some point, you were selling your stuff, maybe cutting down the price, and then later you realize this is not working? Then you maybe went through a transformation process? Do you have like a profit story?
Christine Schlonski 28:17
Well, I do not from my coaching business, though. But you know, when I used to be in corporate, we had several options we could offer. And what was really interesting is depending on what option you offer it, it, you know, it changed your commissions. So I learned rather fast that, you know, offering the best package and not going down that road of negotiating helps me and my client, right, because they got in the fourth thing, we didn’t need to cut out anything.
So they benefited. And at the end of the day, I benefited and I always I always love that. And yeah, I was also known for, you know, selling the best packages, so to speak. Because my mindset was like, No, I want them to benefit fully.
So I’m not going to negotiate. And I also think like this negotiating thing. depends a little bit who you serve, right? Obviously, if you use if you go into a bigger company, and you have to talk to HR and you have several decision makers, there’s always going to be a little bit of negotiating.
But when you’re a coach and you know, you’d sell to the end, user or end person that actually gets your coaching. Don’t even go there with your thoughts that your pricing is something to negotiate.
Mostafa Hosseini 29:51
Absolutely. What do you have say to say about people who think if they sell their coaching at a lower price, somehow would become more valuable, more people will like the service or product? Well, you have to say to that,
Christine Schlonski 30:06
yeah, that’s, that’s always a tricky one that a lot of coaches fall into, especially when they’re starting out, they think like, the lower the pricing is, the more people they can serve. And that’s actually not true. So I’m going to, I’m going to share a story. A friend of mine, also coach had this cool thing that she saw it while she’s going to support her, her friend.
And because it was a friend, it was more difficult as well. So basically, she ended up coaching for free. And her friend didn’t really get results, she was not really happy with the coaching process, she just knew she was pushing and pulling and working very hard. But the friend didn’t really have the transformation she desired her friend to have.
And then a little bit later, her friend turned around, booked a high ticket coaching with someone else, which was a shock for her. But it got even worse. She then told her that her coaching didn’t cost anything. So it wasn’t worth anything. So let that think and like, do you think you did all of your coach training, you became a coach you’re serving, you really help people with a transformation, to give it away. So that it is perceived as not worth being worth anything.
So you know, if you are thinking about that, and you know, I’m not talking about like, squeezing the lemon, right, get every cent that you can get, I’m not talking about that, obviously, you need to provide more value than what you charge, right? That’s it’s an energy exchange. And it’s also an expression of value, right? If I buy something, I value certain thing, that’s why I give that thing that service, money. And vice versa. If somebody buys my services, it’s also how they value my work.
So if you want to value other people’s work, like become the person you want to attract, become the client you want to attract, then obviously you look at this. And if you have people that invest more in your coaching, you most likely see that they get better results.
Mostafa Hosseini 32:34
Absolutely. So at the
Christine Schlonski 32:35
end of the day, if you don’t charge enough, you have two losers in the equation instead of a winner winner. It’s you’re not making enough money and probably struggling. And it’s your client who is not committed enough. And who doesn’t get the results they could get if your investment was at the in a good spot or at the perfect Space Place.
Mostafa Hosseini 33:00
Got it? Got it. So if someone is scared, and they are, are scared or not comfortable charging what the they’ve been told, or they think they should charge, let’s say they should charge 1000 bucks, but instead they turned around and charge the $100. Right?
What’s the first step? How do we go about charging the right price so that they’re comfortable with it? And they could just, you know, sell that at the right price?
Christine Schlonski 33:28
So again, that’s mindset. And I usually see that in that journey. People are not really clear who is right they don’t know who is this soulmate client, like soulmate is someone for me that you know a person I would have over for dinner, right? A person, I love to spend time with us. Like when we go into coaching, I come with high energy, but I leave is even higher energy. What I also learned something from my clients. So that for me is a soulmate client.
So if I have so so many clients, like you both will be so excited to get to the session or the group coaching or whatever it is, you can’t even wait for it. So when you look at this, a lot of people don’t charge the right amount because they’re not clear who is that person who loves to spend that kind of money on that coaching that you offer?
That’s the first challenge, I see that there’s not enough clarity. And then there’s not like the understanding like what do I really deliver? What do I bring to the table? And was that the first exercise we discussed? You know, writing down what you have done to be where you are today. That’s going to help to give you a little bit more clarity because you might be surprised how much money and time you’ve spent or invested better in yourself to where you are today.
And that that should you know that these two things should really help you too. To keep you from dropping your prices so much.
Mostafa Hosseini 35:04
Absolutely. I love that like how much time and money have you invested to get to where you are now? Yeah, and wouldn’t just if you, if you actually sit down and go through the cost of creating you, you probably wouldn’t give it away.
Christine Schlonski 35:23
You probably wouldn’t like if even if you think like, you know, let’s just say you became a coach you and coach training, the time you’re in coach training, it’s not just the money you invested. But the time and that time you could have been with your family, you could have been on the trip around the world that you desire so much, you could have whatever.
So it’s those opportunity costs. And I think oftentimes, we really are not clear enough on what we actually invest it. And then when you know, you have highly invested in yourself, obviously, isn’t it just fair to ask something from your clients back and return to what you can do for them right now?
Mostafa Hosseini 36:08
Yeah, absolutely. Absolutely. Tell us about the profitable coach Summit.
Christine Schlonski 36:14
Love it. The profitable coach Summit is really like 25 amazing experts, one of them being you wonderful stuff. With your planning tool, and it’s just it’s all the different areas we can cover in in coaching, really. So we have an energetic questions we also address right how can you go into the flow? We have like really practical things like time management, we have, you know, how to go from one on one coaching to group coaching, how can you design that?
How can you do webinars that sell if you want to go down and have webinars? How can you do masterminds so that you are not stuck in the one on one coaching, and you can even serve more people, maybe even at you know, a lower price point, if you feel you have to which I don’t think you have to put lower prices just because it’s a group? Right?
That really depends on what you what you offer. So we have all these wonderful topics, how to unlock the ultimate flow in your coaching business, how to sell more with heart and authenticity by myself, converting LinkedIn content and connections into conversations, how to get leads and clients with joint venture webinars, the for sales languages.
So how do you talk to your ideal client than you know how to triple your revenue in one year with three simple steps? How To Make Money With a nonfiction book, I mean, it’s just it’s so filled with so many great topics that, you know, I’m overjoyed that we can bring that to the world. And that all these wonderful experts have contributed to this project to help you to really become a profitable coach, not a green one, the profit of
Mostafa Hosseini 38:19
apps? Absolutely, I’ve looked at the list, there are some really, really great coaches that are sharing stuff that that usually they sell, and they are sharing actionable tips in there. And running a profitable business. I heard Dan Kennedy, saying, a business owners or an entrepreneurs main job is to run and maintain a profitable business.
And I’m paraphrasing, and I probably didn’t say it exactly, as he said, but it’s amazing and mind boggling how many business owners and entrepreneurs and coaches don’t even think about profits. They’re just like thinking and worried about getting busy. And not thinking about, well, I’ve got expenses to pay, and I got to make profits. So the profits pay for different things. So I really love the theme of your giveaway. And it is it is it is amazing.
Yeah. And I feel honored to be you know, among all these amazing coaches,
Christine Schlonski 39:27
sharing I mean, you shared some incredible tips and strategy. So I highly recommend like, even if you know more stuff already, like come and check it out. I’m quite sure there’s a golden nugget that you haven’t heard and that you can you know, make a note or take notes and then implement because I think it’s so important that we have those actionable steps that we can you know, try things out and see flip putting on new clothes, right?
You want to see like, does this fit is this too tight? Is it like is it aligned? Do I I feel like I’m in resonance with a thing. And just learn from the successful entrepreneurs because they all started at zero, right? We didn’t wake up and you know, we’re profitable overnight, or I had clients or programs or whatever it is. So I think by honoring, like that journey that we are all on, you can be so inspired by seeing what’s possible.
And it’s not one of those like, you know, get rich overnight scheme, things, it’s really like, this is the story, this is how I did it. And you know, it took years or months or whatever it is, but it’s all with some practical steps. So you can start the minute you watch the training, you can take your notes, and then you know, start and hit it off and see how it changes your business.
Mostafa Hosseini 40:58
Absolutely. So gang, if you’re watching or listening, the link is in the comments of the show, it is in the description of the show. And go check it out. And I mean, it’s it’s a literally free Summit, we’re 25 world experts in different areas are helping you and sharing tips and resources and strategies, action items, and advice that you can use basically today to get to get profitable and run a profitable coaching business.
So the link is there. Um, let me ask a couple of Is there anything else that you would like to add about the summit that we haven’t talked about?
Christine Schlonski 41:49
Well, I think not for the summit. It’s just amazing. Don’t miss it. Because that’s your opportunity, right? So I would highly recommend you sign up. It’s for free. Like when you join us, September 20 is the first day so I highly recommend you sign up now. There will be some panel discussions as well, some networking opportunities. So it’s really packed in a beautiful way to support you on that profitable coach journey.
Mostafa Hosseini 42:22
Absolutely Yank, you have no some people do some people that have no idea how much work goes into gathering 25, top of the line experts on the planet, put them together and have them share their resources.
And you know, there are some good summits out there, and some of them are not that great. And I could promise you this one is a top of the line business summit for coaches. So definitely well worth it. Let me ask a couple of questions. And then we could wrap up what is the new thing that you have tried recently?
Christine Schlonski 43:00
Can you think I have tried recently, like in my business,
Mostafa Hosseini 43:04
life business you? It doesn’t matter?
Christine Schlonski 43:08
Business, but a new thing I’ve tried recently? Oh my goodness, I think I was so busy with the profitable coach Summit. Like there, there were so many new ideas and new things. And, you know, I learned myself when I interviewed these experts, and when you know when I listen to their advice and training, so yeah, what like what’s a tangible like, a new thing?
Mostafa Hosseini 43:33
personal or business doesn’t really matter.
Christine Schlonski 43:35
Yeah, interesting. Right. Right. Now with that question, I feel like I just spend time at my desk which is not not true. Personal new thing
Mostafa Hosseini 43:48
new food new activity
Christine Schlonski 43:51
new kind of past that new pasta, new kind of pasta like the way yeah,
Mostafa Hosseini 43:59
there are a new kind of pasta. Yes, that counts. Was it good?
Christine Schlonski 44:04
was very good. Better I didn’t need to make it
Mostafa Hosseini 44:08
Oh, you made it yourself. No, I
Christine Schlonski 44:10
didn’t I wouldn’t even take like I didn’t need to make it that was
Mostafa Hosseini 44:16
good because of all your top favorite books.
Christine Schlonski 44:19
Well, my absolute favorite were what helped me so much and getting started on that entrepreneurial journey is the Go Giver by Bob Berg and John good. I can highly, highly, highly recommend this. Because it gives you that permission to give first but then also to receive and being authentic. I think it’s so important to be you this.
If you’re not in that place yet. You will feel how that pressure like it’s like a boulders falling off of your shoulders because you don’t go for it. should be like this person, because then, you know, I’m more successful, I should dress like this or behave like this. Because I think that’s what that successful person does like the, you know, there’s so much pressure to just be you. People will love you for who you are. And those people who don’t work. These are not your people. I you know, it’s pretty simple. And yet, it’s not easy.
Mostafa Hosseini 45:27
Absolutely. Love it. I’ve read that book multiple times that I know, twice here. Yeah, really amazing book. What’s one advice that made a massive change in your life?
Christine Schlonski 45:42
What advice? Well, I would actually say going back to the book, like being authentic and being okay with who you are, like, make peace with the person you are, you can always evolve, you can always grow, but being gentle to yourself, and then take it one step at a time. Right? Oftentimes, we we dream big, or if we, if you’re not dreaming big, I highly recommend dream big. And then we have these ideas. And you know, we’re impatient, because that should have already happened.
Like, you know, I don’t know, like, all these crazy ideas like, Oh, my goodness, not married yet. And already 30 Or, like, stupid stuff. Like, that’s not important, like, what’s important to you, like, really figure out what makes your heart sing? And then go for it. Just have this one life. I think because, you know, we, obviously we live it, we’re so busy living it that we forget sometimes to really put the effort in to figure out what is it that I really want? What do I want to accomplish?
What do I want to experience? While I’m here while I’m happy, healthy, functioning, whatever it is, like, don’t don’t put it off. Don’t put stuff off because you never know how long you have?
Mostafa Hosseini 47:06
Absolutely, absolutely, absolutely. Getting to yourself and identifying what really makes you happy. What gets you going? What gives you energy? What would you spend time on? If you had a choice, and then going for it? I really liked that advice. That’s amazing. What advice would you give your 20 year old self? Relax? What’s the story behind that?
Christine Schlonski 47:30
You know, being busy, like following the good girl path, like be good in school, get good grades, you know, so that you can go and study and then when you study, you get a better job and blah, blah, blah, like relax, like listen to what your heart says and follow your dreams and not the dreams of other people. Even though you love them. It’s at the end of the day, it really is about you. And the more fulfilled you are, the more you can give. the more fun you have.
The more excitement you have, the more life force you have. When your heart really sings. And there’s nothing more devastating like waking up realizing oh my goodness, my life looks so good from the outside. But inside I feel so freakin empty. And I don’t even know why. Because I got the promotion, I get the nice apartment, I get the guy I have the vacation, whatever it is. It’s it’s not if it’s not yours, it’s not fulfilling, and it’s a pretty big disappointment. And you know, I can tell you because they got that have the t shirt. So don’t do it.
Mostafa Hosseini 48:45
Love it. Yeah, the idea of relaxing and and not worrying about things is is very important. You I think once we’re relaxed, we’re more confident. True.
Christine Schlonski 49:00
Absolutely. And you’re more creative, right? You’re always like under tension and stress. You can’t see as much you can’t feel as much you’re so busy. And as soon as you allow yourself to have the space, right, maybe you know, I love to go on nice walks, and then you get these wonderful ideas that if you just hustle, hustle, hustle and you run from one appointment to the next, you don’t have the time take time for you and put like put yourself first really that’s what it is. It’s not egoistic itself care.
Because the more you take care of yourself, the more you have, the more you can give. So if you really want to be that heart centered person that code that serves, you need to make sure that your cup was like overflowing and then give from the overflow.
Mostafa Hosseini 49:54
Absolutely, yep, taking it’s like something you owe it to yourself. You’ve got to take various
Christine Schlonski 50:00
I don’t realize right, because we are busy, we need to function and the setting we are in, we have grown up a certain way, we are conditioned a certain way. And we have a certain belief system that’s not always serving us.
Mostafa Hosseini 50:13
I don’t know who I heard this from. But at the same when something along the lines of if you don’t take care of yourself, you’re not going to be able to take care of others. Yes, especially as a coach, if you as a coach, don’t take care of yourself, you’re not going to be able to take care of your clients. Yeah, it’s the same
Christine Schlonski 50:33
with like, if you don’t love yourself, how can you expect for other people to love you?
Mostafa Hosseini 50:38
Exactly. Same Same idea. Beautiful. Christina, this has been an absolutely amazing conversation, the idea of helping coaches boost their profits or become more profitable or becoming profitable to begin with, as a novel idea, and I really love what you’re up to. And is there anything else you would like to add? Before we wrap up?
Christine Schlonski 51:02
I would, I would love to leave people with the idea that sales is law. And the beauty of this love is the more you share it, the more it grows. So if you really have your soulmate clients and you serve them, you serve them, well. Then you share that love. So selling becomes so much easier when you think of it as sharing your love than when you think of oh my goodness, I need to make X amount of dollars.
Mostafa Hosseini 51:37
Love it, love it. I mean if if what you’re doing truly believe brings value to people. And it helps them and helps them fix problems and challenges and you know, take them to the next level, then you would sell it with love. And you wouldn’t hesitate or sit back. Absolutely amazing. Beautiful. Gang. Thank you for watching.
Thank you for joining us. If you’re watching or listening, please make sure you like to show and share this episode on whichever channel you’re listening or watching with other people. The Summit, profitable coaches Summit is happening within this week and next week or so. So sharing the link with other people, you would deliver value to them and open the door to a very big list of resources for them for them to you know tap into and make their business more profitable. So please like, share, subscribe.
If you have any questions for me or Christine, what I’m going to comment in the chat or in the chat box and we’ll get back to you. And if you have any topics that you would like us to cover, or if any any given person you would like me to interview, leave their name below and we will reach out to them. Thank you for joining us. My name is Mostafa Hosseini. Have yourself a great week, a profitable week. And we just shared Christine just shared 25 resources for you to have a more profitable week, month, quarter and year or life perhaps. So going there. Tap into it.
Thank you, Christine. Appreciate your I’ll let you go back to sleep. I know it’s late. I’m sure I’ll talk to you more soon.
Christine Schlonski 53:28
Thank you so much, everyone. Bye bye
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