Join Susan Friedmann and me to discover “How to Market Your Non-Fiction Book With Confidence”
📢 For over 30 years, Susan Friedmann, CSP (Certified Speaking Professional) has travelled the world training and coaching entrepreneurs on how to wipe out sameness and add vitality and differentiation to their marketing.
Through her company, Aviva Publishing, she’s guided hundreds of non-fiction authors, to use their books to become a recognized expert authority in their field.
Susan’s written 17 books and sold over 500,000 copies of her first book. Her international best-sellers include “Meeting & Event Planning for Dummies,” and “Riches in Niches: How to Make it BIG in a small Market.”
She also hosts the award-winning podcast, Book Marketing Mentors.
0:01 Marketing nonfiction books with confidence
– Insights on marketing nonfiction books
– Story of guiding entrepreneurs for over 30 years
4:07 Publishing, creativity, and marketing
– Journey from unknown to expert in trade show training
– Insights on publishing nonfiction books with creative storytelling
8:45 Common book marketing mistakes and how to avoid them
– Highlighting common book marketing mistakes
– Emphasizing the importance of niche marketing
– Avoiding reliance solely on Amazon for book marketing
– Importance of niching in business for success
16:31 Niching down in book marketing
– Experience of creating products for specific industries
– Utilizing personal background for product creation
– Advising to narrow focus for marketing effectiveness
– Benefits of having a clear niche market
21:55 Selling checklists and books to exhibitors at trade shows
– Value of specialized checklists and processes
– Selling traditionally published books at trade shows
– Utilizing partnerships for book distribution
– Creating lead magnets for successful exhibiting
30:17 Marketing strategies for authors and entrepreneurs
– Giving away books for client attraction
– Turning podcast episodes into books
– Interest in transcribing podcast episodes into books
35:56 Self-publishing vs traditional publishing
– Differences between self-publishing and traditional publishing
– Hybrid publishing options
– Importance of high-quality book design and publishing
41:30 Self-publishing and book marketing strategies
– Discussing self-publishing options and book promotion
– Helping authors with marketing and book promotion
– Advising on book quality for branding
48:14 Creative book marketing strategies
– Using pre-sales for funding book publishing
– Finding complementary products for book sales
– Releasing new chapters regularly for reader engagement
52:55 Book publishing, marketing, and personal growth
– Creative retreat exercises for personal growth
– Recommending books for marketing and PR insights
– Emphasizing finding niche markets for success
1:01:31 Asking for advice and seeking help
– Significance of asking for help and advice
– Offering brainstorming sessions for assistance
We are pleased to provide these show notes to make this podcast more accessible to those who prefer to read.
Please note that this is an automated transcription and may contain errors.
Hosseini 00:01
Welcome to daily confidence for entrepreneurs.
My name is Mostafa Hosseini. And in this episode we’re going to talk about the
biggest mistakes authors make with their books. Why do so many book titles end
up in big authors graveyard at working book marketing strategy for your
upcoming books are for your existing books, the benefits of niche marketing,
and much, much more. My guest today is Susan Friedman.
And we are talking about how to market your
nonfiction book with confidence. Welcome, Susan.
Friedmann 00:31
Oh, good to be here. Mustafa, thank you so much
great to
Hosseini 00:35
have you know, this is a this is a great topic.
And I can’t wait to dig into this amazing opportunity and topic and share your
wisdom with people on how to market their books, because it helps people to
establish themselves as an expert. And, and a lot of people I think, have
written books that are not doing well. And they could use a bit of help with
your wisdom and you know, take it to the next level. Well,
Friedmann 01:04
thank you. And I’m thrilled that you are so
interested in this title. Because, yeah, you know, there are over 2.2 million
books published every year.
Hosseini 01:16
Wow. Yeah, we’ll get to that. Let me do. Let me
do my housekeeping items here and we’re gonna dive right into it. So as usual,
if you’re watching or listening, please make sure to like and subscribe to any
channel that you’re watching.
If you have any questions, put them as a
comment. If you have any comments, put a live comment on Facebook, YouTube,
LinkedIn and different channels that you’re watching. If you have a friend that
could benefit from this topic, which I think we all do have a friend who have a
book or want to write a book, please tag them in a comment say, Hey, Stephanie,
you probably should check this out, or see what Susan has to offer here. And
that’s that next piece I was going to bring up is the confidence giveaway is coming
up. The pages live, you can opt in and join, add the gifts that are going to be
released next week.
Myself and a bunch of other contributors are
sharing gifts to help you boost your confidence in different areas of business
such as mindset, business strategy, speaking and visibility, health and
wellness, and a few other categories. So that’s that the link is in the
comments and you can go to daily confidence dot show forward slash giveaway to
get access to your gifts.
Let me do the proper introduction for Susan
here and we’re going to dive into a very interesting topic. for over 30 years
Susan Friedman, a certified speaking professional has traveled the world
training and coaching entrepreneurs how to wipe out sameness add vitality and
differentiation to their marketing. Through her company Aviva publishing. She
has guided hundreds of nonfiction authors to use their book to become a
recognized expert authority in their field. Susan has written 17 books and has
sold over half a million copies of her first book.
Her international bestsellers include meeting
and event planning for dummies and riches in niches, how to make it big in a
small market. She’s also the host of award winning podcast, Book Marketing
mentors. Welcome, Susan.
Friedmann 03:36
Oh, it’s so good to be here. Thank you.
Hosseini 03:38
Great to have you. So how’s your day going so
far? Excellent.
Friedmann 03:41
Excellent. It’s a beautiful day here in Lake
Placid, New York. And yeah, it’s getting dark though.
Hosseini 03:48
Yeah, for us the end of the day for you guys.
Friedmann 03:51
It almost is yes. We’re on the East Coast.
Hosseini 03:54
Yes, you’re a couple hours ahead of us. We’re a
mountain time here. So it’s like 230 here, basically. So Susan, what is your
Friedmann 04:06
What is my story? That’s a great question. How
did I get to where I am as the founder and owner of Aviva publishing, and long
journey, and it started off once upon a time when I got laid off not once, not
twice, but three times.
And I suddenly realized that hey, I need to
take the reins of my destiny into my hands. And that’s when I became an
entrepreneur. Or as I like to call it a niche printer. We’ll talk more about
that. And I went into a niche market. Trade Show training.
Hosseini 04:55
And yeah, that’s exactly market treasure
Friedmann 04:59
Yeah, trade Joe training I was training
exhibitors at trade shows how to be more effective in their marketplace. And
over the period of about 25 years must offer I went from being a complete
unknown in that area two being basically the go to expert. And yeah, and so a
lot of my books were published as a result of that they’re all in the trade
show arena. And the one that you mentioned my first book, exhibiting at trade
shows, tips and techniques for success.
That’s the one that sold over 250, not 200
500,000 copies. It’s a it’s an interesting concept. And if we’ve got time,
we’ll go into that. How that how that work, because that’s definitely something
that I teach in my abundant or the retreat when we talk about how to build a
business around your book. So yeah, and about five years ago, I transitioned
from working in the tradeshow industry, to working full time with nonfiction
authors, helping them also go from unknown author to expert or authority.
I’ve had Aviva publishing, I started Aviva
publishing, just to publish my own work. I didn’t think that I would be
publishing other people’s but book coach came to me and said, Would you publish
my work and people who I work with? And I was like, I don’t see why not. And so
400 titles later, you know, we’ve been in business over 30 years. And yeah,
Hosseini 06:54
400 titles, that’s
Friedmann 06:56
mainly nonfiction. I really prefer to work with
nonfiction authors, because I relate to nonfiction better than I relate to
fiction, that we’ve got a few fiction authors as well.
Hosseini 07:09
Very interesting nonfiction verse, I actually
wrote a blog on that nonfiction blog. What I said was that we shouldn’t read
nonfiction only.
Friedmann 07:21
Oh, correct. I will
Hosseini 07:25
mine my reading strategies that I alternate
between fiction and nonfiction, so I have time to digest and understand the
information. Yeah.
Friedmann 07:36
And I think you’re absolutely right. I also
like to sprinkle a little bit of non fiction in with nonfiction, as well. And
you get some great ideas from fiction. And when I
Hosseini 07:48
read fiction, what happens is that my sense of
fantasy and my visualization activates, and I come up with amazing ideas.
Friedmann 07:55
i Yeah, absolutely. Love it. Yeah, me too. Me
Hosseini 08:01
Taking a break for me. Yeah. Yeah, cuz
Friedmann 08:05
we can, yeah, it could just be nonfiction all
the time. And it can get old.
Hosseini 08:11
Absolutely. I mean, there’s so much we could
read and understand. So we have to give yourself I guess, time to, to learn it,
to apply it to digest it to make something out of it. Well,
Friedmann 08:21
I think you hit the nail on the head, there is
that creativity that I believe fiction authors have that often nonfiction
authors don’t. I mean, I’m very much a tips and techniques, how to do this, how
to do that. Whereas fiction authors, they use story and story cells, as we know
now. Yes, absolutely.
Hosseini 08:45
Well, we’ll talk more about that. So Susan,
what do you do these days? And who do you serve?
Friedmann 08:49
So I serve nonfiction authors, and primarily
speakers, coaches, trainers, small business owners who want to have a book or
have a book, and they want to use that book to gain credibility in their
marketplace, because really a book for this audience is a big fat business card
that says, hey, look, I’ve I’m an expert. I’ve written a book in this area. And
yeah, this this is my endorsement of credibility.
Hosseini 09:27
Got it. Love it. Love it. Love it. So let’s
dive into book marketing. What are some of the biggest mistakes that authors
make? Oh,
Friedmann 09:36
thank you for asking that because I hear it and
see it all the time. And one of the first questions I ask an author when they
come to me and say, Susan, you know, would have ever publishing published my
book and I said, Well, who is your book for?
Tell me what they say myself. Have? Do you know
what? Usually? Yeah, you got it. My books for everyone. I’ve got a universal
message. And I want to change the whole world. Absolutely. And I’m like, that’s
great. And how do you plan on marketing to everybody? Because not even Procter
and Gamble, try that. The biggest of the big duck deep and dry that.
So, you know, Mr. Mrs. Entrepreneur, why do you
think you can do that? Or how are you planning to do that, which is, which is a
big issue. So having a message that you believe is for everyone is a huge, huge
mistake, and rather have that message, go to a specific group. And you and I
talked a little bit about niche niches earlier. And we can talk a lot more
because I love that subject. My my book, The riches and niches, how to make it
big in a small market. I just love I love niche marketing, I believe that is
the key to unlock many riches in your marketplace.
Hosseini 11:19
That’s huge. I’m a huge fan of I think that’s
basically the only way to go. Yeah, yeah, I work with talk more about that.
Friedmann 11:30
So would you like another mistake? Yeah. Oh,
yeah. Let’s go for more. Oh. So another mistake that so many authors make is
that they don’t invest in marketing. They put so much money into producing the
book. And then they think that I will somehow it’s magically going to market
itself? Or that they’re going to rely on good old Amazon.
I’m going to post my book on Amazon. And then I
can just sit back and wait for, you know, the sales to come rolling in.
Unfortunately, that is a myth. Absolutely. A big, big myth. And I hope anybody
who’s listening watching us that please don’t rely on that. Yes, put your book
on Amazon. But it’s a shop window. And you have to bring people to that shop
Hosseini 12:41
Absolutely. So so far, we got running and
trying to please everybody, and then not marketing it. What What else do we
have for mistakes?
Friedmann 12:52
What else do we have for mistakes? I think it’s
more not knowing exactly who to market to, you know, having that marketing plan
of how you’re going to do this. One of another mistake is relying on social
media. And, you know, people I say, Well, okay, who, who’s you’re following
how, you know, how many people do you have in your database?
Oh, I’ve got 1000s of people on Facebook, or
I’ve got 1000s of people, you know, on LinkedIn. And I’m like, That’s great.
What if they go away tomorrow? Where did these people go on, have them on your
list, and find a way to entice them with a lead magnet with some kind of
giveaway that they will pop with their name and email address, and you have got
their information so that you can market to them directly?
And if people don’t get anything else from this
program, please do that. Because you’re building a house on rented land. You’ve
probably heard that before. You know, and we know Facebook went down a few
weeks ago. And what if it had gone down forever?
Hosseini 14:17
Yeah, no, that was I think it was gone for like
six hours. Exactly.
Friedmann 14:21
It was nerve racking. I mean, people were like,
Oh, my goodness. What? What can I do? What should I do? I can’t get ahold of
people. I can’t do anything. So yeah. Big mistake. Yeah.
Hosseini 14:34
So why do so many book titles end up in a
graveyard and they just don’t do anything, despite all the work and all the
amazing, you know, designs that they’ve done for the cover and you know, I feel
like a million dollars but my bank account does not reflect my feelings. Yeah.
Friedmann 14:59
So it’s exactly what we talked about earlier is
not having a niche and putting that book out and trying to sell it to everyone.
When you sell it in a niche market, you have much more opportunity to be that
big fish in a small pond, which is exactly, you know, going back to my own
experience in the tradeshow market, where I was one of less than a dozen people
in the world, doing tradeshow training for exhibitors.
And so I was niche by topic, and industry. But
I covered all different trade shows in all different industries. And at one
point I thought of, well, how about going, let’s say, just into healthcare, and
that would have niched me by topic and industry, which you can do, you can do
it by topic, by topic and industry, you can niche by geography as well. If you
want to just stay within your state within a certain the East Coast, the West
Coast, North America, you know, South America, you know, if you find a niche
and area globally that you want to work in, you can. But you’ve got to define
all that upfront. It is. Yeah, yeah.
And I know you talk a lot about it. And I know
you believe in it. Because you’re not trying to sell to everyone that goes back
to who’s this book for, you know, if it’s a book on leadership or sales. Well,
what industry do you want to be known in? I had one author, staffer who worked
in the printing industry, and but for small printers, so he, he really took
down, you know, not only not just any printer, it was printers in, you know,
small printers that he wanted to work with.
And so he took his book on selling into that
industry. He knew that industry, often it’s your background, that you you fall
back on. So yeah.
Hosseini 17:21
So how did that how did it work out for this
printer guy? Oh,
Friedmann 17:24
excellent. And he’s now actually teaching
courses at a school where they work where they teach printing, printing
industry. So he’s, he’s selling, he’s selling really well.
Hosseini 17:41
Good for him. And he teaches them how to run
their business or how to market how to
Friedmann 17:45
run, how to do the selling in that business.
Because he knows that business, he’s got credibility, because that’s his
background. It’s like one of my Speaker, colleagues, and she was an RN, a
registered nurse, and she got burnt out doing that. And she said, I want to get
out of healthcare. I said, Karen, what do you want to do?
She said, I want to take humor into the
workplace. And I was like, okay, yeah, she said, I want to make people feel
less stressed, as like, well, who needs that more than anyone? But they want
Yes, thing and you’ve read ability, you’ve walked in their shoes. They know.
They know that, you know, their situation. And
now she’s created something called neuro humor. And she’s the number one in the
world because she’s working in that environment. And, you know, nobody
necessarily outside of that environment knows who she is, as people didn’t know
who Susan Friedman was in the tradeshow, you know, unless you weren’t in the
tradeshow industry, you didn’t know who I was and what I did.
And that was okay. Because you, you know, if
you weren’t in that industry, what you weren’t my target audience.
Hosseini 19:11
Very interesting. Yeah. I’m a huge fan of
subject and industry. So mine is simple marketing plans for coaches. There you
go. That’s it. That’s it. I don’t have to explain too much as to what that
means. Yeah,
Friedmann 19:26
not at all. I mean, right there and then
anybody who’s not a coach isn’t necessarily your market. Yeah. Now, you could
niche that even further saying, you know, life coaches or coaches, certain
types of coaches, but just coaches in and of itself, and you’ve got something
very specific that you’re teaching them, which is dynamite. We
Hosseini 19:52
could do female coaches, male coaches, yeah.
Coaches between 35 to 55 hours a million ways or quarters in California are
coaches, there’s a difference. Exactly.
Friedmann 20:03
You can cut and dice and slice. At the end of
the day, you’ve got to find out is there are there enough people in that market
to make it viable for you to do what you do? And sell what you sell? Yeah,
Hosseini 20:17
gang. If you’re watching or listening, feel
free to put any questions or comments you have about publishing or marketing
your books, in the comments as we’re talking, and we’ll do our best to cover
your questions. Now for Susan, for someone that has a hard time letting go of
everybody. And sticking to a or finding a niche market, how do I how do you?
Let’s say, that’s me, I’m having a hard time. How do you convince me to do
Friedmann 20:44
It’s called a fear of focus. Or that fear that
FOMO that fear of missing out, do you think oh, my goodness, if I only stick to
coaches? What happens if somebody who is a speaker who is a trainer, or maybe
who’s a small business owner, and isn’t a coach? If they came to me, does that
mean that I can’t sell to them? Absolutely not. Not saying you shouldn’t do
that. But when you put your energy and focus into one market, you can be much
more effective and efficient in your marketing. Plus, you cut out, you know, so
many competitors, too.
So if you’ve got your competitors, you can be
more visible, you’re more effective in your marketing. And listen to this, you
can charge more. If you are the only game in town, or one of the only games in
town, guess what people will pay? Because they can’t get what you offer
anywhere else. Does that make sense?
Hosseini 21:51
You’re speaking my language. I love it. Like
when you say only do this for this specific group of people, you eliminate 99%
of your competition. Exactly have no competition at all, exactly. Don’t have to
do a lot of selling, you don’t have to do a lot of convincing. And like you
said, once you establish yourself a little bit, even even from the beginning,
you could charge extra. Why? Because you specialize in this specific thing.
They’re not. There’s nobody else that does that.
Friedmann 22:26
I know I was I put together 50 checklists for
exhibitors. And it was all based on my book that I showed you the exhibiting at
trade shows tips and techniques for success. I’m very good at cutting, dicing
and slicing books I you know, and trying to repurpose them in many different
Any, any event, I did these 50 checklists, and
they were downloadable checklists. $50 Now you’ll say, Well, that seems like a
lot. And people said, How could you sell checklists for $50? I’m like, nobody
else was doing it. And guess what? People paid it.
Hosseini 23:13
Oh, my God, I got so many checklists. It’s not
even funny. You
Friedmann 23:17
You can pop them. Yeah. So. And yes. I mean,
Hosseini 23:23
got a lot of checklists, people
Friedmann 23:26
hate most of the people love tips. And they
love checklists. And the market out there. And if nobody else is doing it, hey,
do it. Make some money with that?
Hosseini 23:40
I put it on Item sell checklists.
Friedmann 23:47
Very good. Very good. You go there.
Hosseini 23:49
I’m the same way I come up with processes and
checklists and how to do something, break it down step by step sorting, so I
get done.
Friedmann 23:56
People love it. People love it. I mean, yeah.
And as I said, if you, you know, when you’ve written a book, you take that
book, and you look at what you can do with it. And I’d love to take people
through the process with this book of how it’s sold. Half a million copies Can
I can I guess. So we start off with exhibit A, which is exhibiting a trade
shows tips and techniques for success.
Now, this actually was a traditionally
published book, it was published by a group called Chris publications, they did
what’s called a 50 minute book, you can read it cover to cover in 50 minutes.
That was their, you know, little gimmick, and they they sold hundreds of these,
any event. So when that key book came out, I thought to myself, I don’t want to
sell books in onesies and twosies. How can I sell these in bulk?
So So I thought, Well, who would want this book
who has the same target audience as me? That is exhibitors at trade shows, but
are not my competitors. So I looked at the people who provide who build the
exhibits, the booths, the stands and all different let you know different, you
know, there’s a it’s called different things to different people in the States,
we call them boots on in Europe, they call them stands. Any event, so I went to
the one that makes what’s called Custom exhibits, those are the ones they cost
about half a million dollars to produce.
And they these huge monstrosities that
companies put up in trade shows. So I went to a group and I said, How would you
like this book? And they said, Yeah, okay. So they had the book done, exhibit
it, let’s get that in the camera exhibiting at trade shows. And it was their
book was exhibit group, they sponsored the group. The only difference between
this book and this book, is that the cover, and at the front, there was a
letter from the president of that company.
The rest of the book was exactly the same as
the original. They bought 2000 copies of this. So I’m like, Hey, we’re on to a
good thing.
Hosseini 26:40
This is working. This is working.
Friedmann 26:42
So I thought, Well, I’m not going to go to
their competitors. I don’t want to do that. So I said, we’ll, I can’t go to
Custom exhibits. But there is what’s known as portable exhibits. And these are
the ones that the small ones that you can just pull up and boom, there,
there’s, there’s an exhibit. And so I went to a company that I knew well
nematic display, and I said, Would you like to do this, you know, provide this
to your clients, along with the exhibit.
And they we looked at the price, it was too
expensive for them. So they said, you know, between us, we came up with
something creative. And I said, Look, I can take some of that material, and
condense it, same material. So we came up with tips and techniques for
exhibiting success. And so you’re
Hosseini 27:42
presenting just to clarify, you’re presenting
this idea 2020 exhibition company,
Friedmann 27:48
this people who sell the exhibits,
Hosseini 27:51
like booth at trade shows, correct. Okay. All
Friedmann 27:55
Have the same target audience. Okay, so they
bought 250,000 copies of this one, and they translated into five languages.
Hosseini 28:12
Okay, one deal 250,000 50,000
Friedmann 28:16
same material, just different format. Love it.
Okay. So then, that was such a success, they came back to me and they said,
could we do this again, but I want you to put it in another format. So we did
same material 120 ways to successful exhibiting, and they ordered another
250,000 of these and English and German, those were the two languages that
things are different contents are same content, same content, just formatted
In fact, this one is more tips, you know,
little tips as one tip and maybe 50 words 50 to 100 words about each tip.
Hosseini 29:04
I love that idea. So you go to the person that
could use this and did they just give this to their customers? These
Friedmann 29:11
actually they used as lead magnets.
Hosseini 29:16
They are okay can walk us through that walk us
through that and how that works. So
Friedmann 29:21
they had a postcard the this was before in the
olden days. When we still use Mail,
Hosseini 29:33
it still works mail works. Oh, mail works.
Friedmann 29:37
It works very well. So postcard, fill this
postcard in to get a copy of your, your, your booklet. And so they would fill
it in. And then a salesperson in that area, you know, let’s say in Chicago
would have those cars and then go to the prospect, give them a copy of the
book, and then hopefully sell them an exhibit. And
Hosseini 30:09
then they will follow up with a phone call
saying, Hey, did you use it? Is this useful? We’d love to have you practice the
tips here. And they give this away for free as a leader.
Friedmann 30:20
That’s one they gave away for free. Yeah, both
of them actually gave away for free. Because, you know, they, they want their
exhibit, they want their clients to be successful at shows. So I was helping
them with my material to make their clients successful at their shows.
Hosseini 30:41
What do you say about doing this digitally?
Where you would give the copy of the book for free pickup their first thing? On
number? Yeah, yeah. And then follow up with a phone call?
Friedmann 30:53
Yeah, absolutely. Absolutely. Or you could even
Hosseini 30:57
up with a webinar.
Friedmann 30:59
Absolutely training, training for nomadic
display several times. I actually trained salespeople on exhibiting techniques,
so that they could help their clients with that. What
Hosseini 31:17
do you say to people that are really stuck on
selling their book, and they’re not willing to give it away for free?
Friedmann 31:26
So sell it? Yeah, I mean, but don’t think about
selling it in onesies and twosies. Think about who well, who could benefit. And
this is the this is how niche marketing can really help you. Because then the
more narrow, you can look at who else has my target audience, but it’s not a
competitor? Mm hmm. So that’s the thinking here. Mustapha, that who else?
It’s that? I mean, in marketing lingo, it’s
called upstream, who’s my upstream? Who else has my target audience as well,
and that we’re offering complimentary either products or services. Does that
make sense?
Hosseini 32:15
Absolutely. Absolutely. So for, for example,
look, can we talk about us? Oh, absolutely. I don’t do publishing. I don’t do
trade shows. I help people create their marketing plan. We could refer to each
other all day long. Absolutely. And benefit from that and complement each
other. Yeah.
Friedmann 32:33
Because my audience, I mean, one of my
audiences are coaches, that coaches, trainers, consultants, speakers for the
most, because those are the people who write books. Because they want the
credibility of being seen as an expert, a thought leader in their within their
target market,
Hosseini 32:56
absolutely want. The same I have I have coaches
and authors, coaches and entrepreneurs that are out there. They want to write a
book, or they have a book and they need somebody to help them with. Yes, thank
you. Let’s talk to Susan. Yeah.
Friedmann 33:10
Yeah. It’s something totally different. It’s a
different way of looking at it. And that’s what I love. And it’s, it’s not
rocket science. I mean, I’m far from a rocket scientist. But I look at things
differently in terms of if everybody’s zigging, I want to zag.
Everybody’s going down this avenue. You know,
why? You know. And that’s actually one of the mistakes too, that often authors
make, you know, they’ve got a friend who published a book, and they did this
with that book. That means they need to do this with that book. And, you know,
they bought Amazon ads, or Google ads, or Facebook ads, you know, they bought
ads, because somebody else did it. And it was successful.
And I’m like, Are you comparing apples with
apples? Are you comparing apples with oranges? Yeah, no, I mean, did I write
the same book as you would write? Absolutely not. So why would I try and market
it the same way?
Hosseini 34:21
I have. I have a habit of trying to turn my
workshops and what I talk about into books. And because I’m not a writer, and
if you could put a gun into my head, I wouldn’t. I couldn’t write two pages.
But if you asked me to talk about a topic for three hours, no problem.
Friedmann 34:42
Okay. Have you got no recorded that require?
Yeah. Okay. All you need to do with Mustafa is to have that transcribed, and I
use a company called And they transcribe it You give that I’ve got
developmental editors who would take that material and just clean it up.
You don’t have to do anything. They would take
that and boom, you would have a book. I hear the same thing from people. Oh,
I’m not a writer. I’m a speaker. I’m a trainer. I’m a coach. Okay, so record
it. Yeah.
Hosseini 35:22
We’re actually going to turn our podcast
episodes into a book.
Friedmann 35:27
Absolutely. I transcribe all my podcasts, my
book marketing, mentors podcast. They’re all transcribed. I’ve got 297 at the
moment. And that would be volumes of books if I wanted. Oh, yeah. Yeah.
Material is dynamite. Absolutely. As is your material? Hmm. Let’s do it.
Mostafa. We got to do this.
Hosseini 35:54
We got to do this. Yeah. Tell us about self
publishing and going with a publisher. What is the difference? Like I have zero
clues about that. Okay. To clarify, I know you can go on Amazon and publish
your book. Yeah. But I don’t know, what’s the difference between that and going
with a publisher. Okay,
Friedmann 36:19
so there’s a there’s a group in between. So
you’ve got self publishing on one side, you’ve got traditional publishing on
the other side, and in the middle is something called a hybrid publisher, which
is, in fact, that’s what Aviva publishing is.
So it’s halfway in between. So traditional
publishing, you know, the Wiley’s the Simon and Schuster’s, the Ramdan house of
these world, the hash shots, you know, as a first time author, you better have
something that is so dynamite that they could not resist publishing, I think is
hardest for a first time author because you’re an unknown.
So getting a deal with a traditional publisher,
is challenging. Now, people think that once they have a traditionally published
book, they don’t have to do anything. And that is another that’s a big mistake.
Because traditional publishers, one of the most important parts of a book
proposal that you would put to, you would send to a traditional publisher needs
to be your marketing platform, they want to know that you are going to be able
to market that book for them.
They, and it used to be that publishers took on
the marketing, not anymore. The publishing industry has been turned upside
down, especially with Amazon and with ebooks, and, you know, Audible books, I
mean, audio books. So yeah, they’ve had to rethink everything, and they want
you to market it. They want you to do the, you know, the grunt work, they’re
not going to put that much money into marketing it. So unless you’re a
celebrity, and then it’s going to sell itself,
Hosseini 38:15
they have to do it. Yeah. As he says, I think I
should talk to Susan regarding my book, great feedback. So I see Yes, when I
reach out, I’m going to later we’re going to share a gift by Susan that where
you could book a time to chat with her.
Friedmann 38:29
Absolutely. Yeah, they get 20 minutes, I’ll do
a brainstorm with them. And you know, I would be delighted. It would be my
honor. Yeah.
Hosseini 38:38
You guys wanted to have a 20 minutes session.
With Susan, click on the link and book your time with her now. And then, you
know, see how she can help you.
Friedmann 38:53
So, should we go back to the self publishing
Hosseini 38:56
Yes, so I am, I am wondering, what does a
publisher actually do that I cannot do? Nothing. Do they have like a network?
Do they have? Yeah,
Friedmann 39:11
I mean, there’s there’s a network. But you
could do it. The the thing with this is where a lot of waters fall down? You
know it because it’s so easy just to stick a buck a, you know, book on Amazon.
And there’s a stigma about self published books.
And that is that it’s not a real book. Okay.
You know, is it true? No. However, you know, a book when you come through Aviva
publishing, I want your book to look like a traditionally published book, you
know, this is one of our latest the economy of kindness. Then there’s a The
color of courage. I mean, these are beautifully, you know, cover, the feel the
look, everything about this book smells like if it was in a bookstore, right
next to a traditionally published book, the average person would not know the
And that’s the kind of quality that we want,
you know, when we when we work with the authors, so they, they’ve got to be
invested in this. It’s not a cheap game. Yeah. And it can be you go, you know,
you just put it on Amazon, publisher? I mean, there’s some crappy stuff out
there, which, sorry, excuse?
Hosseini 40:44
No, I think it really depends on who your
target market is, as well. Like, if you are trying to target a bunch of say,
doctors, right, and you come up with a, a, an immature, mediocre looking, you
know, non professional, non professionally designed book and try to attract
them, they’re going to look at and be like, This guy or girl doesn’t know what
the hell he’s talking
Friedmann 41:12
about. Exactly. It’s a beautifully
Hosseini 41:15
designed and published book where it feels
good, they could touch it, they could open it now. You know, that makes it
different. However, if you’re going after a target market that does not care
about quality, so much. Right? And they care maybe more about the content and
how it helps them. You may not need to, like spend all that money to I’m on the
right track here.
Friedmann 41:42
Yes, and no, it would be such a shame that if
you had such valuable material, that you don’t take the time to get a book
cover design professionally. And you’ve got so many resources, things like
Fiverr,, Upwork, you can get inexpensive, you don’t have to have,
you know, a graphic designer.
There are less expensive ways more cost
effective ways of doing it, without having to, you know, invest 510 15 grand
grand on publishing the book. But you still got to be invested in it. And it’s
got to be professionally edited as well. There’s nothing worse than, you know,
oh, my friend edited it. She was a schoolteacher. And she taught English. She’s
not an editor. Yeah. And there are different types of editors.
So working with a publisher, they know the ins
and outs, is it something that you could do? Absolutely. But having the clout
of a publisher, you know, a hybrid, or obviously a traditional publisher makes
makes a big difference. And some people won’t accept a book that hasn’t been
published by a publisher.
Hosseini 43:23
For sure. So once we have a book, how can we
make the the book popular?
Friedmann 43:29
Well, again, goes back to what we’ve been
saying is, who is your target audience? You know, how can you get it out there?
Your what kind of following do you have? How can you promote it, you could
promote it, you can use it as a resource. You talked about doing webinars? It
could be part of the webinar fee that they get a copy of the book?
And is it a book that could be used in the in
academia? Could you know, I mean, some of my authors have connections or have
made connections with different programs. I’ve got a woman who wrote a book on
health literacy, the A to Z of low health literacy. And she her book is used in
almost all the nursing schools. And they just constantly asking me, Can I have
a desk copy of this book? And I’m like, you know, I always send those to the
author and say, Hey, you take care of this. Now, they take care of those sales.
We don’t take care of sales. That’s, that’s our
model. So you have as much control and our policy at Aviva publishing is that
you make as much money as you can on the book. That’s what we want for you. We
want for you to be able to make the money and we’ll help you with the ideas. We
just don’t do it. For you, we just guide you along your author marketing
Hosseini 45:06
Love it. Love it. Yeah. And it’s a profession,
and you need to tap into the knowledge and wisdom of someone that knows how to
do it. Yeah. Some some people make it sound so simple as much as Oh, yeah,
we’re like, publish your own book. We over a weekend. Yeah. It’s and I think
there’s a lot more into it, though. I mean, to, to do it. And I think I could
put a blog together in a cop put it on Amazon and publish it as a book.
Course you could, I probably could. But will
that do me a lot of good, we’ll have to see about that. But there, I think
there’s a process and a way to do it properly, like you said to do
professionally so that it brings your business so that it gives you expertise
and credibility and brings your customers and, and the rest of it. You know,
Friedmann 45:56
that’s part of your branding, as well. Yeah.
And if you’ve got a crappy looking book, what is that telling me about your
brand? Do I want to do business with you, if you’re not taking, you know,
attention to detail about this book represents who you are in the marketplace?
And if you want to be seen as a credible expert, it needs to look the part.
Does that make sense? Absolutely. Yeah.
Hosseini 46:29
Absolutely. I mean, that’s, that’s my image.
What’s out there. So, exactly. That’s my representative. So I need to make sure
that it is that I’m being represented properly. Exactly.
Friedmann 46:39
You want to be represented properly. So people
see, you know, this guy is a pro, and I want to work with him. You
Hosseini 46:49
got it. Susan, can your first book be a best
Friedmann 46:54
If you wanted to be there’s a game out there.
Anyone can be a best seller on Amazon. Unfortunately, you know, it’s sort of
been cheapened in a way. But yes, if you want that status, it’s a game, it’s a
matter of finding the right genre to put your book in.
And that it’s a genre where, you know, you’re
the only person producing a book that week, that day, that hour in that genre.
And for a hot second, you’re an Amazon, Best Selling Author, you’re number one
in that category.
Hosseini 47:33
What about, say a New York Times bestseller or
an international bestseller?
Friedmann 47:37
So international bestseller, same kind of
thing? I’ve got people who can do that, if that’s what you want. New York Times
is one of those hidden secrets. People don’t really know exactly how, you know,
they make that selection. It’s often quantity of books sold. That’s, you know,
if you look at the best sellers. It’s rarely an unknown on that list.
Hosseini 48:14
Also, mostly celebrities and people,
Friedmann 48:16
celebrities, when there are a lot of pre sales.
I mean, if a celebrity puts out a book, I mean, I was talking about Michelle
Obama’s book, the earlier becoming. I mean, before the book was out, it had
sold millions of copies. That
Hosseini 48:35
I loved that strategy. Yeah, I saw I saw Laura
lankhmar talking about it. Yeah, the fact that like, they put a cover out there
with the title and descriptions. They sell the book first. Yeah. And then they
start writing it. Yeah, that’s
Friedmann 48:55
me. I had a I worked with a coach once who,
once he got the book cover out there. It was two years before the book came
out. But he’d sold it in beforehand to help pay for the printing.
Hosseini 49:09
Yeah, brilliant. Editing and design and
salutely Oh, man, I love that idea.
Friedmann 49:15
And there are all these GoFundMe opportunities
as well. The crowdfunding, you can you can raise money that way. Yeah, I say
get people say to me, When should I start marketing my book? I said, as soon as
you’ve got that book cover, get it out there. Let’s get
Hosseini 49:34
book ideas. I think for me, it’s would be as
easy as testing the idea first to see if Would you read a book on this topic?
Exactly. You don’t want to have a book. Exactly. People say Oh, hell yeah. Sign
me up. I might have an idea. Exactly. Gotta
Friedmann 50:04
go. Yes, I’m, that’s one of my strengths is to
really work at that creativity. What can you, you know, what can you come up
with? And how can you take that book? And then as I said, repurpose it, you
know, could you put your a course together an e book, you know, a mini book,
you could take chapters of the book and make those separate little mini books,
as well. You could do the checklists, the tips, you know, those can all be
books, or booklets that you could sell separately.
So one book and multiple different ways of
which you can use the material, you don’t have to reinvent the material, create
new material all the time. Love it.
Hosseini 50:54
One of my favorite ways to publish a book that
I’ve been fascinated by was that there was this author that was releasing a new
chapter of their book, like once a while, once a week, once a month or
something. And people they got the first chapter and now they were dying to
read the second chapter. Yeah, that is brilliant. Yeah,
Friedmann 51:16
that works well, in the fiction market,
particularly, because you leave somebody with a cliffhanger. It’s like, Oh, my
goodness, what happens next?
Hosseini 51:26
I know, I’m thinking we could do it with third
nonfiction as well. Like, in the next chapter, I’m gonna show you how to do
this. And they’ll be like, oh, I
Friedmann 51:38
need it. They need to know how to do that.
That’s your cliffhanger. Yeah. Absolutely.
Friedmann 51:44
That book for the next chapter.
Hosseini 51:45
I love it. Love it, or the open? Some people
call it
Friedmann 51:49
Oh, yeah. People can’t stand up. What’s
Hosseini 51:52
your Susan? What is your you’re getting close
to the top of the hour. So what is your favorite out of the box? book marketing
Friedmann 52:05
I think what I told you is finding a
complementary service or product, and somebody who you can form a strategic
partnership with and you know, sell your book to them. It’s usually somebody
with deep pockets. So you’ve got to think broader as well. So with with, with
my authors, we look at how can you find, you know, direct to suppliers vendors,
and then indirect could be as well, as long as you have the same target
audience in common. Love it.
Hosseini 52:57
Love it, love it. I
Friedmann 52:59
hope your listeners and viewers like it to
Hosseini 53:03
Susan, tell us about your gift, your 20 Minute
brainstorming session,
Friedmann 53:06
I’ve got a 20 minute brainstorming session
brainstorm with And yes, I will spend 20 minutes with you. And we’ll
talk about so what do you want to do with your book,
Hosseini 53:20
Friedmann 53:23
an honor to work with your people.
Hosseini 53:25
I appreciate the that’s a generous offer. Now
gang if you have a book or if you have a book idea, and you want to get
feedback on how to publish it and promote it and marketing and get it out there
and get creative about it and work with someone that has published over 400
titles. claim that 20 minute brainstorming session with Susan and you know have
a conversation with her now. Susan, can I ask you some personal questions?
Friedmann 53:53
Oh got a date tonight?
Hosseini 54:01
You do? So they’re gonna be like, quick and
quick and easy. Go for what’s a what’s a new thing you have recently tried
Friedmann 54:13
Huh? What’s a new thing that I’ve tried
recently that’s that’s a really good one.
Hosseini 54:22
It could be like anything in life, business.
Anything. I’m
Friedmann 54:25
just thinking my mind’s going crazy now. It’s
like what? That’s a tough one. I mean, I try thing new things all the time. Oh,
you know what I did? Yes. was crazy. And I am doing a retreat at the moment.
Actually, I’m on it now.
And what they had us do this afternoon was just
get creative and draw the cover of a book with your non dominant foot. You put
the pen between your toes. And you draw a book cover. How about that for a
different? Well, the idea behind that was to offer was to get over the fact
that you feel awkward. And when you’re writing a book, there could be
awkwardness about it. And you don’t have the same control as you usually do
over things. So allowing yourself to just do something that you don’t know how
to do. It well, so yes.
Hosseini 55:43
Love it. So what are your top two or three
favorite books that have made a massive difference in your life or business?
Friedmann 55:51
Anything by Seth Godin, I absolutely love his
marketing books. I love to pieces. What are the books I’m looking at my
bookshelf here. It’s like
Hosseini 56:07
something that has made a difference or you
have recommended this book like more than any other books. Yeah.
Friedmann 56:17
you putting me on the spot? I wish you’d told
me this before.
Hosseini 56:22
When it would have been fun.
Friedmann 56:25
It would be if I could think of it. Oh, of
course. My mind’s gone blank. Yeah, no, I. If you remember my favorite authors,
I tell you another one. David Meerman. Scott, I love I’m not sure if you’re
familiar with his work, the new marketing and PR. And I love his work.
He also just wrote something called Fan talk
cracy as well. That’s become so his work is really, really good. I also love
Jeffrey Gitomer, his work. He’s getting you know, Jeffrey, he’s he’s a friend.
He’s a colleague. And I just love his said as it is. I just love that about I
Hosseini 57:23
really like his style of sales. And yeah, I’ve
read. I’ve read a few of his books. And one of my favorite books was the sales
Bible was obviously one of the good ones, the Red Book of sales, and then there
was the Golden Book of attitude or something like that.
Friedmann 57:41
I’ve got them all on my bookshelf. But, yeah, I
mean, it just anything he produces is is phenomenal. as well. So yeah, yeah.
There are some there are some great people out there with with great books.
Hosseini 58:01
Absolutely get them are great. So what’s one
advice that has made a massive difference, Chen is your massive change in your
life or business?
Friedmann 58:12
It doesn’t have to take 15 years to become an
overnight success. But it does take time and energy to to accomplish that,
what’s known as that overnight success. I think that is that’s key. And
something else that I always talk about is throwing a pebble in the pond and
letting the ripples flow outward.
And I’ve got a great saying here, actually from
the Dalai Lama, just as ripples spread out when a single Pebble is dropped into
water, the actions of individuals can have far reaching effects. How about that
for various? That’s at the center of niche marketing, I believe?
Hosseini 59:07
Absolutely. To have that ripple effect. Yeah,
Friedmann 59:12
And that’s what you can have. When you throw
that pebble in the pond and you you look at where where the fish are, are.
They’re not all over the ocean. Where are they feeding?
Hosseini 59:26
Absolutely. So Susan, if you had a Facebook or
a Google ad, where everyone on the planet with access to internet could see
what would your message be for people of Earth
Friedmann 59:50
find the people who value you and your message
Hosseini 59:59
system worrying that
Friedmann 1:00:01
spend time looking at really and that goes back
to what we’ve been talking about so much in this program is, is find your
people find your niche market, and really penetrate that that niche. Because
that’s where the riches are in the niches as exactly what you know, I wrote
about in my riches and niches how to make it big in a small market that so
yeah, I believe that riches are in the niches.
Hosseini 1:00:36
love it love it love it Susan, what advice
would you give your 20 year old self?
Friedmann 1:00:41
What advice would I give my 20? You yourself
ask for advice when you need it. I was always shy about asking for help.
Because growing up, I was expected to know things. And if I didn’t know them, I
had to go find them out.
And I was very frightened about asking for
help. Because I would it would maybe look as if I was stupid. And I’ve learned
over the years that asking for help is is really the key. Because you can’t do
it on your own. You need other people.
Hosseini 1:01:31
Love it asking for advice when you need it. And
I think a lot of us get gets stuck there for a long time.
Friedmann 1:01:39
Yeah. And not being frightened to ask for it.
Because again, as I said, you know, people think oh, well, you’re expected to
know that. Well. I’m like, yeah, maybe yes. But I’ll ask it anyway. Now. I’m
not sure.
Hosseini 1:01:53
That’s actually a sign of strength to go for
advice? Absolutely. You’re, as we talked about the car on the confidence show,
confident people ask for help and advice. Yes. Yeah. If you’re if you’re
against it, that’s a sign of insecurity. Because you might you don’t want to
look. We can and unknowledgeable or, you know, you don’t want to sound dumb and
stupid and all that. But any smart people can, you know, have multiple advisors
and coaches and
Friedmann 1:02:26
yeah, actually, I’m listening to a book at the
moment called who not how I highly recommend that to Dan Sullivan. And that
talks about asking who can help you not? How can I do this?
Hosseini 1:02:47
Hmm. The entire book is on that topic. Correct.
Dan Solomon? Yep.
Friedmann 1:02:52
Dan Sullivan. Who not how love it. Yeah, it’s a
great book. Highly recommend that one. You’re talking about no one had time to
think through. Books that made a difference? Absolutely.
Hosseini 1:03:09
That’s a good one. I’m gonna I’m gonna put it
out. It’s who not how.
Friedmann 1:03:13
Yeah, love it.
Hosseini 1:03:15
Love it. Love it. Suzanne, this has been an
absolutely amazing conversation. For those of you who are watching or listening
later. Feel free to put your questions in the chat box. Make sure you like the
show and subscribe to the channel. Susan, is there anything that you’d like to
add that we didn’t get a chance to talk about?
Friedmann 1:03:34
Oh, probably a lot.
Hosseini 1:03:36
We want to mention so
Friedmann 1:03:38
much I really have. And just again, that I
would be honored to help anybody out there who feels that I might be a good
person to chat with and yeah, brainstorm with And yeah, I would, I
would be thrilled to talk about your book talk about your niche market. If you
don’t have one. Let’s find one for you. Because I do that well, I have to
Hosseini 1:04:10
Love it. Love it. Now gang if you’re watching
or listening and you want to tapping Susan’s wisdom, and expertise, go to
brainstorm with to claim your 20 minute session with Susan, have a
conversation with her and take it from there.
Now. A couple of other housekeeping items.
Again, make sure you like and subscribe to the channel that will help us spread
the message. Help other people and reach out more to more people around the
world. And tag your friend whoever could benefit from this conversation tag
them there. And another piece that is coming up as soon is simple marketing
formula is coming up in December if you wanted to create your one page
marketing plan for 2022 and do that before Christmas so you have a very relaxed
holiday time.
Now knowing exactly what you’re going to do for
your business with a plan and a strategy and you name it, you want to check out
simple marketing formula bootcamp coming up in early December so it doesn’t
interfere with holiday time or shopping. We do it early December. And the link
is going to be in the descriptions of the show and in the comments as well.
Thank you for joining us. Thank you, Susan. Appreciate your time and expertise.
Friedmann 1:05:25
Thank you and,
Hosseini 1:05:26
and we’ll see you guys on our next episode. Bye
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