The Go Giver Book Review
Today I’m going to do a book review on the book called The Go-Giver and I’m going to share my screen with you and show you what it looks like.
Anyway, this book is called the go giver. They’ve got multiple books on the go giver series. I read another book called The Go-Giver Sell More, and there are a few, but this is the very first one that you should read.
It is written by Bob Burg and John David Mann. This is an amazing book, I’m gonna leave a link at the bottom in a comment for you guys so you could check it out on Amazon, and see if it’s a good fit for you.
I’m just going to tell you a little bit about The Go-Giver Book
It’s a business fiction book and it is amazing!
I just finished reading it for the second time and took me about a day to finish the book. It is a fascinating story.
The authors tell you the concepts and the laws in a fiction type of story. I had a hard time putting the book down.
What I’m going to do is I’m going to read some of these laws, the top five laws for you. And then you can pick up the book and learn more about laws and apply them to your life in your business. Some of the stuff you can do, and you can apply to your business and into your life and see results pretty much right away!
What are the key principles of the Go-Giver approach?
1- The law of value
It states that “Your true worth is determined by how much more you’re giving value than you take in payment”. So you deliver more value than the payment that you’re taking in. It sounds simple but not very many people do that. So once you read this story, it will tell you more about how you can apply that.
2- The law of compensation
“Your income is determined by how many people you serve, and how well you serve them”. So I guess you got to figure out a way or ways to serve more people and serve them well, and that will allow you to grow your business and eventually become more successful.
The entire theme of the book is about giving. And the fact that the more you give, the more you get.
3- The law of influence
“Your influence is determined by how abundantly you place other people’s interests first.” So you take care of people first, and they’ll take care of you later. If you do that, you’re going to create influence for yourself.
4- The law of authenticity
“The most valuable give you gift you have to offer is yourself”. Be yourself and be your best self. People like to deal with authentic people and people that are real. If people have got a mask, or if they got a smoke screen, and they won’t trust you. So the best way is to be yourself and be authentic.
5- The law of receptivity
“The key to effective giving is to stay open to receiving”. So it’s a given take relationship. And it brings an example in the book that I loved. He says you cannot spend all day exhaling your breath, right? How long can you exhale without inhaling? So it’s a give and take relationship.
When you give, you have to stay open to receiving and that’s how it works. The more you give, the more you can receive, given, that you’re open to receiving. Some people are not open to receiving!
And hopefully, this book can change your perspective on that and help you take your business and your life to the next level.
I enjoyed reading this book and I recommend that you guys read that book as well. I bought it on Kindle, and I read it on my phone, in about a day. If you’re a fast reader, you could probably finish it maybe in half a day. And yeah, it’s life-changing.
You could get a free sample from Kindle and see if you like it. If you liked this book review, please like it please share it, leave a comment below, subscribe to our channel. And stay tuned for my next post.
If you have any comments or questions that you want me to cover, please leave a comment on this post and I’ll make sure that I covered if I know about it, on my next videos, and if I don’t know about it, I’ll point you to the right direction.
Stay positive and have a great week and let me know what you get out of reading this book if and when you get the book
Your business and marketing coach
Have yourself a great day
Is The Go-Giver fiction or nonfiction?
Burg Burg and John David Mann explain their principles through the fictional story of an ambitious salesman named Joe, who is advised by an appealing mentor named Pindar.
How many pages does the Go-Giver have?
There are 151 pages on the Kindle version of The Go-Giver book.
What genre is The Go-Giver?
The Go-Giver is an interesting business fiction story that is listed in the Self Help Category. It is one of the best business fiction books that I have read so far!
What are the five laws in the go-giver?
1- The law of value: Your true worth is determined by how much more you're giving value than you take in payment. 2- The law of compensation: Your income is determined by how many people you serve, and how well you serve them. 3- The law of influence: Your influence is determined by how abundantly you place other people's interests first. 4- The law of authenticity: The most valuable give you gift you have to offer is yourself. 5- The law of receptivity: The key to effective giving is to stay open to receiving