Generate High-Quality New Client Inquiries With Webinars
Welcome to Daily Confidence for Entrepreneurs Show Episode 33.
Listen to the podcast here:
What do you teach your clients about how to generate quality audience for webinars?
How is Training Webinar different from Marketing Webinar
What’s the best Call To Action that people can make at the end of the webinar?
How do you make sure that the right people attend your webinars?
What are your tips for creating compelling titles?
6:49 – The two best audience sources are other people’s networks and LinkedIn.
32:59 – Training webinars are once you’ve got a client or you’ve got a captive audience that needs to receive a skill while marketing webinars are very different animals. The sequencing with the marketing webinar is the important thing.
34:04 – Presenters often fall into the trap of wanting their presentation to be bulletproof to the criticism of their competitors.
34:48 – The best Call To Action is the Consult booking system.
34:49 – Marketing webinars is your best option, your best audiences are other people’s networks, your best asset is the webinar .
Mostafa Hosseini 0:03
Welcome to Daily Confidence for Entrepreneurs. My name is Mostafa Hosseini, and I’m your host for the show. At Daily Confidence, our aim and goal is to share tips and actionable advice that you can apply to your business and to your daily routines to boost your confidence when it comes to running your business. These are things that you can apply and see results almost immediately. Obviously, some of this stuff takes longer.
Now, I am still waiting for my guest to arrive. We have a time difference, he is coming from Australia, and we’ll see if we’re going to see him on the show. If not, we’ll just keep going and maybe reschedule with him later.
Anyway, one way that we help our audience to boost their confidence when it comes to running their business is by setting clear goals, and a simple one-page plan to achieve their goals within a 90-day period, or within a one-year period. One of our products is Simple Marketing Formula, where we work on creating a One-Page Marketing Plan.
The way that it helps you or the business owners, coaches, consultants, authors, speakers, experts to boost their confidence is by simplifying everything that you know and putting it on one page. So the problem that we’re fixing to solve is the fact that most coaches, consultants, and entrepreneurs have their heads in 12 different things at the same time, most of the time, and nothing’s really working.
We help simplify your knowledge and get a foundational understanding of your business and set your goals, identify who your profitable target market is, craft your offer, and work on setting your strategies for lead generation, lead conversion, and client retention. With that, you’ll know exactly what to do when you have a one-page plan that you can use on a daily basis and if you don’t have a clear set of goals, growing your business becomes very difficult.
What happens is, when you join us, you work with a group of entrepreneurs and business owners. Basically, work on crafting your offer and your plan.
My guest is here and he’s going to join us in a few seconds. The next time that we’re running a Simple Marketing Formula is on the weekend of January 22nd to 24th. It’s Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and the class goes from 8 AM to 5 PM at Mountain Standard Time in North America. If you are working on growing your business and taking it to a whole new level in 2021 and taking advantage of all the opportunities that are out there, feel free to join us and we will work together. Welcome, Tom.
Tom Poland 3:26
Hi, Mostafa. I am well.
Mostafa Hosseini 3:30
Fantastic. What time is it where you are right now?
Tom Poland 3:34
7:37 I think.
Mostafa Hosseini 3:37
7:37 in the morning, you’re in Australia?
Tom Poland 3:46
Correct. A little place called Castaways Beach.
Mostafa Hosseini 3:48
With Tom, we are talking about how to generate high-quality new client inquiries in just one hour a month with webinars. What’s the title of your book again, Tom?
Tom Poland 4:11
Marketing with Webinars: Get new clients in 1 hour per month with webinars.
Mostafa Hosseini 4:15
So let me do the proper introduction to Tom. Then we’re going to get started and go deeper into your webinars, how they work and what will transpire.
Tom Poland is an Inbound Marketing Specialist with 37 years of experience. He is the multiple best-selling author of the Leadsology Series. Tom has also shared international speaking platforms with the likes of Michael Gerber, Marshall Goldsmith, Brian Tracy, and many others.
He has started, managed, and sold multiple businesses over four decades including teams of over 100 and revenue of more than $20 million. Tom works with clients in 27 cities and 15 time zones around the world. That is very nice. He describes himself as voluntarily married and lives in a house next to the waves of the little Castaways beach in Queensland, Australia. Welcome, Tom.
Tom Poland 5:20
Thanks, Mostafa. It’s a privilege to be here.
Mostafa Hosseini 5:23
It is great to see you, my friend. How are things going for you?
Tom Poland 5:27
I can honestly say that things have never gone bigger and better. COVID, if you’re in the business of marketing with the webinars, not that I wish COVID on anyone but everyone’s now going, there’s a conference I can go to, there are trade shows I can go to, there are business networking I can go to, there are seminars I can go through and all the time that I told myself, I can never do my marketing webinars, maybe I should re-examine that belief. For me, it’s going gangbusters.
We launched this book, December the 3rd and you can see the efficient and effective auxiliary to market through seminars. Well COVID will disappear shortly, hopefully, with vaccinations but webinars now are here to stay in terms of one of the most desirable mediums through which to do marketing for all sorts of reasons which we can dive into the issues later.
Mostafa Hosseini 6:21
Tom, tell us your story behind what you do now and how you got into it.
Tom Poland 6:28
Well, my story goes back a couple of years as a 23-year-old and you can tell I passed that now, you didn’t have to agree so quickly. We’re talking 41 years ago, I started as a Management Consultant. In hindsight it is a pretty stupid thing to do, as a 23-year-old management consultant, people look at you, like what would you know?
Anyhow, I figured out real quick, I had to get good at marketing so I bought a lot of books with a lot of seminars and hoarded stuff. It didn’t work and it took me literally a couple of decades to figure out why it didn’t work. There were three reasons. One is that when you’re marketing, coaching services, consulting services, anything where we’re asking prospects to enter into a relationship of trust, it’s actually far more like we’re proposing marriage than it is selling a washing machine.
What I discovered is that events were one of the very best ways to establish a relationship of trust with a prospect before we proposed talking about working together. I’ve done over 500 events since 1995, physical events, higher conferences, back and full of people and structured stuff for a couple of hours, had our feedback forms, people tick a box saying, “Yes, I’d like to talk about becoming a client.”
When I sold that business in 2008, semi-retired, got bored, and was getting under my wife’s feet too much, she told me how to start a new business. I remember getting an email one day and the email said, we’ve got this thing called a webinar. I thought, how clever is that? A web and the seminar, you put the words together and form a webinar.
I got up at three o’clock in the morning because it was a run-out-of-the-state summer, and I’m here in Australia and I was bored as batshit. I mean, this thing was a desk by bullet point, so we couldn’t see anyone. It was just PowerPoint, bullet point, PowerPoint.
I went back to bed and I didn’t really sleep that well because I was thinking, all those workshops that have run over so many years in 70 different countries. If we could do that with a webinar, I could see the potential so I signed up to be one of the first early adopters of GoToWebinar, still with them, love the platform, great customer service, and so reliable. So that’s my backstory. I started as a management consultant, struggling to get clients, figuring out events, one of the very best ways to get those clients, and then morphed into running webinars when I got lazy.
Mostafa Hosseini 8:49
Very interesting.
What do you teach your clients about how to generate a quality audience for webinars?
Tom Poland 9:01
That’s the number one question. The two best sources of audiences are other people’s networks. That’s the best one by a long shot. So 85% of our revenue, in a good month, we’re generating 100,000 US dollars. 85% of that revenue is going to come from other people’s email lists. Other people’s networks, as I call it.
The balance comes from LinkedIn premium sources. If your marketing services advice or software, or anything, frankly, luxury top-end physical items, like secondhand lead gens as well.
The two best audience sources are other people’s networks and LinkedIn. Other people’s network so people might know them as joint ventures, but we do it a little differently. I believe we’ve created something of science out of that because not all joint venture partners are created equal. Some of them might get you eight registers for webinars that might get you 800.
We want to be able to figure out well in advance whether a person is whichever their spectrum is going to be. Forget Facebook funnels, the Utopian idea is that you can set up a Facebook ad. You can split test the ads and segment and put tripwires. I’ve run Facebook ads. I know about funnels.
We did that for five years but what happened, in the end, is they registered to Facebook ads and drove traffic to register for a webinar through a free PDF. The cost of getting that person to the webinar registered was $12. We could get someone registered from someone else’s email list for free and when I sat down to my horror, I discovered that the person was coming from someone else’s email.
Let’s say, Mostafa, you were good enough to promote my webinar. People from your email list, you register for my webinar with 20 times more likely to buy than someone who registered from a Facebook ad. 20 times! Here I was paying 12 bucks per registration from Facebook, zero from a partner, and 20 times more likely to buy so I figured out this 1849 California Gold Rush.
Everyone goes, let’s go to California and then their hills. They went to California and they bought themselves tools, picks and slicing, and everything else. Who made most of the money in the gold rush? Was it the gold diggers? Was it the people selling the tools? It was Levi Strauss selling jeans, pickaxes, and everything else.
Who’s making the most money with Facebook? It’s the people selling the click funnel things, the tools. The people making the money are the people selling the tools just like the gold rush. The poor schmucks like me who bought the tools and tried to go well didn’t get lucky.
Even in the early days of Facebook ads, we were paying $1 per registrant, but even then, why would I be paying like $3,000 a month and I could get leads that were 20 times more likely to convert for nothing. It just didn’t make sense anymore. So I shut down my Mark Zuckerberg account.
Mostafa Hosseini 12:01
You got it. Eric says $12 each, Yikes.
Tom Poland 12:05
The thing behind that Eric is, you’ll find that some of the big hitters are spending 60 to 80 to $100,000 a month on Facebook ads. If the Cost Per Click was actually a Cost Per Impression because it’s the number of times your ad appears that you pay for, not the click. It picks up if you can get good bait, then you can get more clicks but if that Cost Per Click goes up by 50 cents, that is absolutely freaking out because feeding this massive machine of teams of people doing these Facebook ads and literally going broke every month shoveling their personal money into their Facebook campaigns. That’s crap and it’s awful.
The number one mistake people make when they're presenting the webinars is giving away too much information and I don't mean too much value. I mean, it's too complex.
Tom Poland Tweet
Mostafa Hosseini 12:46
Absolutely. For those of you who are joining us now or watching or listening later, my friend Tom Poland is talking about how to generate leads and bring qualified business through webinars. Everybody’s involved with what’s going on with COVID and webinars are a needed thing. It really works well because people cannot go face-to-face online events and that’s what we are talking about here.
Tom Poland 13:22
Yeah. Everyone being vaccinated is still the smartest way to generate your leads. It’s just right now, it’s probably the only way in terms of running an event. If you gave lead generation, the device you use for effectiveness and for efficiency, webinars top that. More effective? Yes, absolutely. You get 200 people into a conference center and you’re there physically. Is that more effective? Absolutely. But it’s also much more expensive, much more complicated.
I’ve done over 500 of them so I know you know a little bit about that. Not quite my first rodeo, but it’s very expensive. It’s very complicated. Everyone has to drive or travel. Well in webinars, my commute is from the espresso machine in my kitchen down the hallway. Tada! I’m on stage!
Mostafa Hosseini 14:15
That’s a long way. Can you handle it, Tom?
Tom Poland 14:18
Sometimes I have to push the dogs out of the way. But that’s about it.
Mostafa Hosseini 14:25
I’m just joking. Tom, for people that are maybe new to the idea of joint ventures, partners, promoting your business, webinars, and your launches through partners, tell us a little bit about the mechanics, how that works, and why it’s free on the front end.
Tom Poland 14:44
I think the most unspoken and yet the most powerful force in marketing is reciprocity. Reciprocity simply means that our unconscious wants to keep the score even. If you do something for me, I really feel magnetically compelled to keep that score even and do something back for you.
What we do with our system is we have a data miner and this is exactly the same system we teach our clients. We have a data miner typically in the Philippines and we pay them really well. For the Filipino, that’s a top dollar or give them a nice generous monthly bonus which I mean just paid someone $900 dollars but you know, they’ve gotten close to 30,000. So it’s pretty good money.
You have someone else doing the data mining because you and I don’t want to do the data mining. We are like dogs trying to meow. Trying to do the data mining, just doesn’t come natural to us. We like to show up to meetings and present. Since we are people-people, give me a meeting of people to present to or give me a one-on-one person to meet or to talk about how we make them become a client, I’ll show up to those meetings.
I don’t want to wake up in the morning, do data mining. Get someone else and outsource the stuff you don’t want to do. That’s one of the keys to success. Do the things you were born to do that maximize the potential of your talents and your gifts that help the most people out. That ain’t data mining. We employ someone to do that for five hours a week for $5 an hour, pretty low cost.
They Google search, then they come up with Mostafa Hosseini and then they qualify you, is he already marketing webinars? Is he a personality-led website? Or is he tied to the same target market? Those were five knockout factors. For this relaunch was like flipping burgers at McDonald’s. You can’t lose. It’s like shooting fish in a barrel, you just tick and tick and they quantify them. Through an algorithm that we developed, we can tell in advance through our algorithm how many webinar registrants, any prospective partners, can generate for us.
If it’s in the sweet spot, if it’s between what we could reciprocate with. When we started, it was maybe eight registrants and now about 150-200. But if they can reciprocate them suitable, then we approach them, we bridge them from being a prospect to a partner. That’s all laid out step by step and that takes all the guesswork out of it.
Mostafa Hosseini 17:01
I love it. If you could identify who can do what by checking out their online presence and through your algorithm with software, that’s a plus because sometimes people talk a big game, but they don’t follow through. Not all JV partners are created equal.
Tom Poland 17:25
We had one guy walk around the internet like he owns half of it, eight registrants. I’m not saying that’s good or bad. I’m just saying that according to the way he was talking and strutting around the internet, it was like he was going to give us 8 million, he goes eight.
We got them around 180, so we got data on that one but you’re not going to do it every single time. We have an 80% success rate with matching the right partners, the algorithm was like one of our JV partners in our group described as Tinder for JV. Swipe left, swipe left, swipe left. Swipe right.
Mostafa Hosseini 18:07
Tom, Eric is asking,
Do you encourage Evergreen webinars versus Live webinars?
Tom Poland 18:12
Great question. The simple answer is no. It’s certainly not to start with if you can’t convert from a live webinar, you’re not going to do it from Evergreen. First of all, people know it’s an Evergreen, they’re not stupid. They’ve been to enough of them now to know that if you live in Evergreen, and so if you present it as live and it’s actually an Evergreen, it’s a bait and switch as duplicitous as the pit fall, and people will quietly sit there and go. They’re pretending it’s live but no, it’s not.
Is it going to get any better once I pay the money? The answer is probably not. If it’s a bait and switch the status and they’re going to keep going. The first reason is, you’ve got to tell them it’s Evergreen. We have a 10-minute Evergreen webinar, but we don’t push it much. The first reason you got to tell them it is Evergreen otherwise it’s duplicitous and deceitful.
The second reason is people’s attention span is not great and if they know it’s Evergreen, which you should tell them, they’ll be there clearing their emails and checking their Facebook feed and organic LinkedIn connections while you’re talking on your Evergreen Webinar. You need massive volume to make the Evergreen work and you need a very short one.
Our evergreen is 10 minutes long Versus a 90-minute webinar which I can run and have 99% attended to this writing as measured by a webinar platform, not by me. I could never achieve that with evergreen.
The third reason to do Live is that you want to tell people you care about them. If you’ve got a high ticket price item, do you really want the first message to look, I don’t really care about you as a prospect. I might become a client but I don’t really at this point. So I want our brand to reek of care. We care that I try to answer everyone’s email.
Every new client gets my mobile phone number and when we give it to them, we say happy to give you this because I don’t think you’re ever going to need it because we care enough to give you the support you need so if it’s Evergreen versus Live, I’m not sure it’s sending the right message right off the bat. If you’re selling a $20 product, that’s fine but if you’re selling a product that requires a high level of trust, not so good.
The fourth reason to do them Live, is mastery. If you aren’t getting brilliant at a thing, you have to do it a lot. So if it’s a golf swing, a tennis swing, I don’t write notes and sing, writing webinars is no different. If you want to become a master, you gotta do it a lot. Then if you do one webinar recorded and put it in the can, that’s it, you’re not going to be very good at it. Great question, though.
Mostafa Hosseini 20:34
For those of you who are joining us now, we are talking about evergreen or webinars. It’s best to do it Live versus Evergreen because people know. Again, if you’re watching or listening, we are going to do a draw for an Amazon gift card here later today and we’re going to announce it by tomorrow.
To enter the draw, you have to engage, ask questions, like, and subscribe to the show or rate our podcasts on our Apple podcast. The links are in the description of this show. This enters your name into the draw for the Amazon gift card, which you can probably use during the holiday season to buy yourself something nice.
Tom, are you going to talk about this tool that you got? Can people get access to that?
Tom Poland 21:29
JV Juice, the algorithm?
Mostafa Hosseini 21:34
Okay. Go to and you get access to this Tinder for webinars tool for you.
Tom Poland 21:44
It’s a freemium offer, you can get 14 free searches every month.
Mostafa Hosseini 21:50
Fourteen free searches? If you’re into the game of Joint Ventures and JV partners, if someone shows up and you have a chat with them, you just quickly double-check their site and this tool will tell you how much traffic you can expect from registrants.
Tom Poland 22:06
Yes, specifically how many webinar registrants though that website would generate for you, and people think it’s hard to believe. If you told me that you could do this, but if your account just takes 60 seconds, explain how it works though.
What we do is we get seven metrics from people’s websites. We use independent platforms like SEM Rush refs, these like big SEO organizations Alexa, and we find seven metrics such as average duration, date, bounce rate, unique visit numbers, etc. If seven of those, we put them through an algorithm, and it predicts a range of webinar registrants that the owner of that website will be able to generate for us zero to 5050 to 100, 100 to 200, 200, to three out of 300 plus. It tells us Tinder for JVs, which tells us where the sweet spot is.
If we can generate 200 webinar registers for someone else, we want to do a JV with them with people that can do something similar and so whatever the level you’re playing the game at, you can find people there. They’re going to play the game at a similar level and will want to play the game with you. It’s like a crystal ball.
I use it exactly the way you described by having a conversation with someone I can go to then boom, shows with a prediction in less than a second but also a data miner uses it so data mine is surfing the internet going who else is running webinars to Tom’s, consultants, business coaches, etc. “Oh, there’s a website,” put in the algorithm, boom, we know if we’ve got a green light, orange light, or red light.
Mostafa Hosseini 23:33
Then you approach and say, “Hey, let’s work together?”
Tom Poland 23:36
I approach him and say, “Hey, I’ve got a podcast I’d love you to appear on.” So I know I want to work with them because we’ve done our homework but they don’t know me from bar soap so I need to have a first date with them before I propose marriage.
Mostafa Hosseini 23:55
Tom Poland 23:57
The bridge doesn’t have to be a podcast, but that’s one of the best ones to establish a high level of rapport speculating proxy.
Mostafa Hosseini 24:05
If you have a platform and you can share, give them some exposure. That’s the best way to go in and say, “Hey, I’m serious. Let’s play together. Looks like they’d be good partners here.”
Tom Poland 24:17
Yes, reciprocity. We’re doing something cool for most of the money and giving a lot of value away from here. Another question I get, by the way, is how much do I tell people on webinars? Because I was brought up in a marketing school, I had a marketing mentor who made me swear on my mother’s grave. Always tell people what they need to do, but never tell them how to do it.
Well, I’m done with that. I’m done with that because I figured out I want to work with smart people who have money, people who are smart, I only have to be smart enough to know how dumb they are about micro webinars. If they’ve got money, and they’re smart, they want to work with me.
Now I’ve been broke. I understand that so I give a lot of value away to everyone who can’t afford to work with me because that’s good karma for me and I help them maybe a little bit. But I tell people what to do. I tell people how to do it as best I possibly can in the context of a webinar or interview like this, because the smart ones have money, want to reach out to me, and the ones that don’t have the money. Well, at least I give them some value. So, let’s get back to your question.
Mostafa Hosseini 25:22
The what versus the how?
Tom Poland 25:25
Where most of the money is made. That’s where I was going with this. You’ve done this. Someone’s promoted my webinar, which is great. The money is made at the Debrief Meeting, after they’ve promoted my webinar, and I’ve heard or whatever they want me to promote, and I’ve checked out the quality matter.
We sit down, we do a debrief. Mostafa, were you happy with the way we supported you? Did you get the sudden Yep, great and Yep, terrific. Now, let’s refer each other to three people who want to do the same thing and that’s where most of the money is made at the Debrief Meeting.
Mostafa Hosseini 26:02
Well, tell us about the Debrief Meeting. Is this after the webinar?
Tom Poland 26:06
Yes, after we’ve supported each other in whatever way we’re doing that, whether that’s webinars or book promotions, or whatever else. Before we do that promotion, we book a time for a later date to do a debrief.
Mostafa Hosseini 26:21
Me and you when we’re promoting here.
Tom Poland 26:25
Now, the Debrief Meeting must be booked before we do the Reciprocal Marketing, before we do the Joint Venture. If we don’t, we’ll go and chase another shiny thing, we’ll get busy. Throughout the Debrief Meeting, it’s important for me to confirm that as a JV partner, you felt well supported by us. Vice versa. If you’re both happy with that, then we refer each other to three people who would like to do the same.
Mostafa Hosseini 26:55
I Love it. That’s a killer strategy.
Debrief Meeting must be booked before we do the Reciprocal Marketing, before we do the Joint Venture. It's important for me to confirm that as a JV partner, you felt well supported by us. Vice versa.
Tom Poland Tweet
Tom Poland 26:59
97% of professional marketers who do joint ventures don’t do the debrief and they don’t do the referral.
I have a course called the Viral Coefficient Formula. Viral coefficient, what it shows is, how many referrals can you get from an existing partner or an existing customer. In this formula that I just shared, your V key ratio would be three, meaning out of every partner, you get another three partners. you can see how exponentially that could grow your business.
On average, one of those partners does nothing ever. One of them does something later, and one of them does something now. The relentlessness of the system. Every single one of my clients has a KPI, 4 partners a month, one per week.
Mostafa Hosseini 28:01
That was a killer strategy. I love it, Tom.
Tom Poland 28:06
What happens is you develop this relentlessness about growing the list and about generating new client inquiries. It becomes so relentless that on more than one occasion, I’ve had to shut my doors for new clients. We had to scale up the backend so we could handle the volume.
Mostafa Hosseini 28:21
I’m guessing you’re also relentless in staying in touch with your list and all these partners and nurturing the relationship.
Tom Poland 28:28
Yes, we’re very good at that and it raises the point you always want to think of your email list as not a group of people that you can market your stuff to. That’s a very limited paradigm. The other thing, your email list is some people you can market other people’s stuff too because I can market my stuff to my list maybe once every 90 days, without them getting sick of me and unsubscribing. I’m just every single week they get something for free that’s valuable so they stay subscribed.
My email list is there to market other people’s stuff, not my stuff because I can get a model replication factor of 13 times. Every quarter, these 13 weeks, I can market someone else’s stuff, 13 different people’s lists, and I get access to 30 other email lists instead of just accessing my one little email list.
Mostafa Hosseini 29:23
He just shared some very important and interesting golden nuggets for you to take action on starting today. So let’s go back to webinars.
What is the best call to action at the end of the webinar?
Tom Poland 29:44
I think the best call to action is to consult and let’s meet one on one. Let me go back a step before that the webinar should be positioned as a demonstration of how you work with your clients to get the benefits they enjoy getting. It’s not a free training session but it’s a demonstration of how we work with my clients to generate in 27 cities around the world and generate a regular flow of weekly high-quality funds from webinars.
Bang, that’s the title. When people come to that, it’s getting exactly what I promised them. It’s not free training where the end is, pull your credit out and buy now because you get the bonuses and all that bullshit.
None of the other stuff. It’s just, let’s have a conversation one on one and see if we should be working together but they have to go through an application page, so mine is When they go there after the webinar, that’s my call to action, go to Have a read of it. You think it’s a good idea, go ahead and book a time.
They have to check 4 boxes. I’ve told them what the prices are on the webinar, I’ve told them how I work with my client on the webinar that was the subject of the webinar come along. So I’ve got full permission to tell them everything, including prices, how long we work together, and so on.
The four boxes I have to check are number one, I understand this is not going to be a free idea session and I am aware that ideas are not about implementation and that would be a waste of their time if they thought they were just going to pick my brain, get some ideas and go away because they’ve learned from them properly.
So number one, I have to understand it’s not a free idea session and it’s neither a sales ambush, I understand if I want to think about it, then I’ll be allowed to think about it. That’s important because selling is what you have to do when your marketing sucks. You do your marketing right, you don’t do any selling. So number one, understand that it is not a free idea session.
Number two, I’m ready to start if we agree it’s a good idea. Number three, I understand what your fees are and I have that in my budget. If we agree, it’s a good idea. Number four, I have attended your webinar, or I will watch the replay link prior to meeting with your one on one, which will come with a booking confirmation. Once they check all four boxes, and they literally have to go click, then my booking link becomes live.
They can find time to talk with me. If they missed one checkbox and clicked on the booking link. That doesn’t work.
Mostafa Hosseini 32:05
So the booking link gets activated when ticked off and they checked off all these 4 conditions.
Tom Poland 32:10
Yes, that’s what I call the filters.
Mostafa Hosseini 32:13
I love that. We were actually talking about this very process yesterday morning. Where will they link in, Tom?
Tom Poland 32:26
Mostafa Hosseini 32:30
Alright, Go check it out. Tom knows his stuff when it comes to webinars and marketing and JV’s. He’s been around for a couple of years, but he knows this.
Tom Poland 32:43
You can tell, right?
Mostafa Hosseini 32:47
What’s the difference between a training webinar and a marketing webinar? When should people use them?
Tom Poland 32:59
Training webinars are once you’ve got a client or you’ve got a captive audience that needs to receive a skill while marketing webinars are very different animals. The sequencing with the marketing webinar is the important thing. Here are the first, so we have a six-item agenda. When we go through a webinar, we say here are the six things we’re going through.
The first three have nothing to do with how we work with clients. It’s all setting it up so that there’s a promise inherent in the title of step one. This is the sequence that we walk people through, it’s what I call a Persuasion Sequence. You don’t need this in a training webinar. Sure, you got to talk about why you’re qualified to train this group of people but then you’re graded to get strength and skill development.
Webinars have to be set up. If we give people the wrong information too soon, we lose them. But if we don’t give it in the right sequence, we lose them and the biggest number one mistake people make when they figure out how to get the audiences and we’ve talked a little bit about that, is they’ve got a good audience.
The number one mistake people make when they’re presenting the webinars is giving away too much information and I don’t mean too much value. I mean, it’s too complex. Presenters often fall into the trap of wanting their presentation to be bulletproof to the criticism of their competitors. They have a little colleague or a competitor on their shoulder going Yes, but you didn’t tell him about this or you’ve missed that or whatever.
You get a choice with the presentation, you can either make it comprehensive or understandable. So it’s got to be a simple 12-year-old so when I have these 51 steps in our program, I give them three. These are the three things I summed up in three different parts. If you describe how you’re working with the clients, in any number of steps that are greater than three, you will start losing people.
Mostafa Hosseini 34:46
Can you give us an example?
Tom Poland 34:48
Sure. I break my model down into three parts. You need an Audience. All marketing needs an audience whether it’s people driving on a freeway, or listening to the radio, that’s an audience. People in Amazon are looking for books, that’s an audience. People searching, there are no insights, you need an audience, whatever marketing you do. You need an Asset, a medium through which to get your message about your offer out to that audience and you need a Call To Action.
So my three-part model is the Audience, Asset, and Action. I explained to folks, it doesn’t matter what market you’re going to use, you’re going to be doing, you’re going to need those three parts. Let’s look at why marketing webinars is your best option, your best audiences are other people’s networks, your best asset is the webinar and your best call to action is the console booking system that I described before.
I say to folks, if you have any doubt about the effectiveness of market webinars, just ask yourself, what’s the oldest, most proven marketing method in the world and you go back thousands of years, you’ve discovered speaking to groups of people. If you have any doubt about that, you just ask yourself, how many clients did Christ, Buddha or Muhammad have? It’s like billions, and all those three guys did was speak to groups of people, mostly small groups of people.
So, you take the oldest most effective marketing method in the world, combine it with the use of a marketing medium, which is the internet, then you have webinars.
I could describe the 51 steps that a client goes through. We break them down into simple little steps, but I lose people. I think this is so complex. It would give them the wrong impression so I break it down into the audience, you need an audience, this is how you get them. An asset, you need an asset, this is how you do the webinar content and a call to action is how you do it.
Mostafa Hosseini 36:30
Here’s the next question. An issue with people that have tried webinars or are trying, and that was an issue for me as well.
How do you make sure that the right people attend your webinar?
Tom Poland 36:47
You are so full of the best questions. It’s the Title. Imagine there’s a forest of 100 sleeping bears. The point of this will become clear in a moment. If magically, somehow three of those bears are hungry for your honey, you got some honey with metaphors for your service or product, the 100 sleeping bears suspects, we know we suspect they might be hungry for learning, but we know the three of them are definitely hungry.
How do we find the three hungry bears in the forest full of 100 sleeping bears? Well, we can go right through the forest and find the bear grab a stick, pat them on the ass with a stick and wake it up and wave the honeypot in front of his nose. If it’s not hungry, we better have a good run out as this is like cold calling. That’s like just pestering people on LinkedIn saying you want consulting services that are whatever does that mean.
You’re running through the forest jabbing bears and the bumps are the chopstick waking them up hoping they’re one of the hungry ones, or we can just simply put the honeypot outside the forest. The Hungry bears will probably drain the honey or they’ll wake up and go home disappointed because there is no honey but could smell it and they come out of the forest. Your title is The honeypot. The forest is the other person’s email list.
Mostafa Hosseini 38:03
What’s the best way to go about creating a title?
Can you give us some tips on that?
Tom Poland 38:07
Three-step formula, benefit-rich contains specifics and is differentiated. Benefit riches is first and foremost the most important thing. A demonstration of how my clients in 27 cities around the world are generating a weekly flow of high quality inbound new client inquiries.
Mostafa Hosseini 38:26
Yes, that was the title for today.
Tom Poland 38:36
The thing is just not a USP or an elevator pitch because, with those, it’s communicated verbally, titles are communicated visually. We get more real estate to play with a title people can assimilate more than they read and they can when they hear.
That title is your honeypot. your partner who’s promoting your webinars sends an email out to the email list to the 100 sleeping bears and the 300 ones we’re gonna go “Oh, I need that. I’m gonna go to that webinar.” I talked about 27 different cities and weekly flow, high-quality so it’s benefit-rich, but it’s also very specific to 27 cities every single week, inbound, high quality, a lot of specificity in there.
The specificity is different, so the title could come along, and learn about marketing webinars. It’s okay but it’s not going to excite me. There’s not going to be what specificity does if it increases two things, desirability, and believability. No specificity. I don’t get cut-through and I don’t get to the point of being able to invoke desirability and believability.
Mostafa Hosseini 39:42
Tom, let me ask you another question.
I know that in the game of webinars, it’s one thing to get people to register and it’s a whole different ball game to get them to show up. How do you deal with that?
Tom Poland 39:55
Great question. If we go back to 2009, when I started doing webinars 40% attendance rate was the standard. You get 40%, 100 people register, 40 per turn up. Then one day a colleague and I saw a member of Andrew Roberts say to me, “How many are you getting from your Replay,” and I said, “What do you mean replays?” The replay, people who don’t attend, send in a replay. and you’ll get some more sales. So I tried it and it worked and we got another 50% bump whatever sales or inquiries we got from the webinar we got another 2% report.
This is amazing. I’ve been leaving so much money. Thank you, Andrew, we did replays. What happened between 2008 and 2018 is attendance levels went from one for 40% down to eight and a half percent so we conditioned people to want the replay.
“Ah, you know what, I registered” but I got the replay. Do they watch the replays? In the early years, they did. Lately, they don’t. We have many other options so the way you keep your attendance levels high is in the title case like you’re yelling no replay.
Mostafa Hosseini 40:58
You've got to create that first date opportunity, you've got to create an opportunity for people to get to know you really well before you propose a meeting.
Tom Poland Tweet
Tom Poland 41:01
I’m leaving money on the table because I’m not saying the replay well. We fixed that we say there will be no replay but what we do is we have a five-day follow-up sequence and every single day over five days including the day of the webinar, we follow up with something that gives us some value from the webinar that’s not a video replay.
Mostafa Hosseini 41:23
You share bits and pieces from the webinar that is not replayed. Not the whole thing.
Tom Poland 41:28
So the day after for example, everyone who registered including attendees gets a 23 page PDF summarizing the webinar but it’s not a replay.
48 hours later, they get a five-minute video summarizing a hand-drawn cartoon, one of those cartoon things that summarize the webinar.
72 hours later, they get a one-page blueprint summarizing, guess what? the webinar.
On the fifth day, they get an email saying “Hey, have you doodle stuff I’ve sent you? By the way, we’re closing at midnight tonight for inquiries.” That’s it.
So we still enjoy a very high percentage attendance rate but now we get literally two to three times whatever inquiries we generated from the webinar. We get literally two to three times more of those inquiries with the follow-up sequence.
Mostafa Hosseini 42:20
Very interesting. People get a great tip so you’re not giving them a replay but you just get to share some tips and different pieces from your training that’s all in the email.
Tom Poland 42:32
Exactly and every email has the Call To Action on it as well.
Mostafa Hosseini 42:37
A Call To Action to book a one-on-one.
Tom Poland 42:40
Or go to
Mostafa Hosseini 42:44
Tom, I understand that you are sharing a gift with our audience. Can you tell us about your gift, please?
Tom Poland 42:55
Oh yes.
Mostafa Hosseini 42:57
I know you have many gifts.
Tom Poland 43:01
The best one is to go to The only reason I hesitated is we’re coming up to Christmas and we’re not going to be doing that till January but folks if you’re not in a hurry, just go to That’s live.
Mostafa Hosseini 43:21
Is it or .live?
Tom Poland 43:25
It’s fine they both go to the same place they just said .live you wanted to .live to indicate this live but that’s not gonna happen till January.
If people want to know, Mostafa, for your audience only and I don’t think I’ve ever offered this before because we’re coming into Christmas, I’m not gonna do another one so sometime in January if they reach out to me personally, I will get them a replay link.
They may watch it whenever they like. I’ll break my golden rule. They can also go to Amazon and buy Market Webinars or if they can’t afford the 10 bucks like an email. I’ll send them a free PDF.
Mostafa Hosseini 44:02
What’s the email?
Tom Poland 44:05 I’ll type it into the chat.
Mostafa Hosseini 44:09
Tom Poland 44:14
Mostafa Hosseini 44:15
He just made a couple of amazing offers. One, if you message him, he’ll give you a replay link and if you email him, he will send you a physical book. He will ship it to you.
Tom Poland
In PDF form. PDF so they can buy the physical book on Amazon for 12 bucks or the Kindle for 10. If they don’t have 10 to 12 bucks, let me know I’ll send you a PDF. I want to help everyone in some way or another.
Mostafa Hosseini 44:45
Get the PDF. So if you listen to any of this today or later, you could tell this guy has got a lot to offer when it comes to webinars. He knows his stuff. Tom, what’s one thing people should know about you that we haven’t talked about?
Tom Poland 45:14
Something interesting or relevant?
Mostafa Hosseini 45:16
Something interesting or relevant, you pick and choose.
Tom Poland 45:18
I think there are two things. Bill Gates dropped out of college and Richard Branson was dyslexic. Gates dropped out, not because he couldn’t do it but because he just didn’t need to be smart. I failed the second to last year of high school, I never got to college. I sadly got sick the last year of high school not once, but twice.
I’m not smart. The secret to my success is that I figured out that I only had to be smart enough to know how dumb I was and if I could be just smart enough to know that I was dumb and to reach out for help. That was enough.
I am a slow, plodding observer of reality. If I was a smart person, I could have figured this thing out in 11 weeks, not 11 years. I just encourage everyone to reach out for help where they can.
Secondly, be patient with yourself and adjust. Don’t listen to the gurus. I mean, if I say something and you try it my way, you do it and it doesn’t work, then you should cross me off your Christmas list.
Be an observer of reality and for God’s sake with marketers, 90% of them are bullshit so don’t hand anyone money until you’re 100% confident.
I could recommend the clients to do what we do and say don’t give me your money let’s work together for 30 days. So we give everyone full access to everything we’ve got and full support.
We make them every single week, hooked up to one that doesn’t pay us any money. If after 30 days you think it’s the real deal, then surely we want to start getting paid so if you can get an offer like that from someone, you should grab it because they back you up.
Mostafa Hosseini 47:00
I love it. Tom, Eric is saying, do you have the follow-up email sequence only for those who registered or only live attendees?
Tom Poland 47:15
Great question. The whole list. Everyone who registered including the live attendees.
Mostafa Hosseini 47:20
Everyone gets those five follow-up, correct? You’re not different between the people that do show up or don’t show up? I could see how that works because you’re just sharing some nuggets and wisdom from the training which is not exactly training but you got a call to action in every email.
Tom Poland 47:41
It’s the same content in different formats.
Mostafa Hosseini 47:43
Does the sequence stop when they book a time with you?
Tom Poland 47:49
We never keep sending the assets. They generally want to see what the assets look like and actually tell them on the webinar they’re going to get this follow-up. So they don’t have to respond to it. Just save them in a file somewhere so that when they do webinars one day, they can swipe and deploy to something similar.
The emails are worded in such a way that if they have already booked a consult, I’m not going to go, “Why are they still sending me some marketing stuff, I’ve already booked a consult” and worded in such a way that they attended or not it’s still read and it still makes sense.
Mostafa Hosseini 48:18
Tom, I just want to clarify if people email you at Do they get a paid version of your PDF for the book or today they get it for free?
Tom Poland 48:32
They get the PDF for free.
Mostafa Hosseini 48:35
I just want to clarify that if you email Tom, at, you will get a free copy of his book, he will email it to you, it’s called Marketing with Webinars: Get New Clients in One Hour Per Month.
Tom Poland 48:52
It’s highly prescriptive. Since it’s the most prescriptive book I’ve written. Some books are just brochures, this is more like an instruction manual.
Mostafa Hosseini 49:00
You are sharing what actually needs to get done.
Tom Poland 49:05
I share everything. I call it karma marketing. Those who can afford to work with me are going to get great value and those who can’t afford to work with me will probably want to reach out and do that.
Mostafa Hosseini 49:17
Got it. Here’s the next question for you. Aside from your own book, which we talked about, what are the top two or three books that you usually recommend or you have recommended to business owners?
Tom Poland 49:30
The best business book I’ve ever read was the 80/20 Principle by Richard Koch. It is one of the very best books I’ve ever read. If we want to go down from that, Michael Masterson’s Ready, Fire, Aim.
Mostafa Hosseini 49:49
Ready, Fire, Aim. What’s the author’s last name?
Tom Poland 49:53
Michael Masterson.
Mostafa Hosseini 49:55
What’s another one?
Tom Poland 49:58
One of my all-time favorites is still Seven Habits of Highly Effective People. Stephen Covey.
Mostafa Hosseini 50:10
So 80/20 is definitely on my top list for sure. It actually changed the course of my life. Actually today my Simple Marketing Formula course comes as a result of this book.
Tom Poland 50:22
Another personal interest, It’s the Autobiography of a Yogi.
Mostafa Hosseini 50:31
Autobiography of a Yogi.
Tom Poland 50:35
It’s a story of his upbringing in India and moving to the United States and how he set up. Well, I believe, a lot of ethics and no snake oil, a global empire of personal and spiritual development. It’s absolutely remarkable.
Mostafa Hosseini 50:52
My next to the last question. If you had a Facebook ad everyone on the planet could see what would your message to the people be? You have one shot.
Tom Poland 51:06
Go along to my webinar, and I’ll show you how to get new clients one hour per month.
Mostafa Hosseini 51:11
Good. Tom, is there anything else you want to touch on before we wrap up?
Tom Poland 51:22
I just reinforced, I think, folks, that we have to be patient with their marketing, when you’re marketing, consulting, any service, we’re looking for a relationship with trust. Don’t think that you’re irresistible. You’ve got to create that first date opportunity, you’ve got to create an opportunity for people to get to know you really well before you propose a meeting.
That’s the step that so many people miss out on and it causes a lot of frustration for a lot of people because they go to business, networking meetings, or conferences, whatever, handing out business cards, and don’t get lucky and get disappointed and frustrated so create the webinar, it’s a direct first date for your prospects.
Mostafa Hosseini 51:59
Tom, I love what we’re talking about and you got so much wisdom and business nuggets. I guess, to share that we could easily talk for another hour. Maybe we’ll do another one next year and talk further and go more in-depth on different topics. I really appreciate you joining us.
Gang, for those of you who are interested in getting clients through webinars, which is one of the things I like about webinars is the fact that it is leveraged and it’s a one-too-many kind of approach. So you’re not like, banging phone calls and trying to do the one-on-one type of work, it’s one too many.
It’s a great strategy, and Tom is making a killing out of it and so are a lot of people that he’s working with. He offered his book for free if you email him at, the email is in the show comments on the show. He also offered to give you a replay of his webinar. Do you do your own webinar once a month, Tom?
Tom Poland 53:16
Yes, and the reason I want to replay is that we’re not going to do one probably till February, the second or third.
Mostafa Hosseini 53:23
If you want to get a replay of his webinar on how to get this thing done, email him at, and he’ll send you a copy of his book along with the link to the replay. There’s a lot of value there for you, given what’s going on in the world, and all the need and necessity for all of us to be online and to find customers online. The webinar could be a very good asset for you. Thank you, Tom. I really appreciate it.
For those of you who are watching or listening, one way we help our customers to boost their confidence and take their business to the next level is through our boot camp called Simple Marketing Formula. That’s where we spent three days together to create your One-Page Marketing Plan for 2021. It’s a plan that you could use to basically take your marketing and your sales to the next level and because it’s one page, you actually get to use it every day. So, it’s happening on January 22nd-24th. You could join us and check out the information there. Thank you for joining us.
If you have any questions, comments, feedback, leave it in the show comments on any channel that you’re watching. Also, if you ask questions, you also enter the draw for the amazon gift card draw that we’re doing later today or tomorrow, we’ll announce it, and you’ll be part of it. I hope that you have a very Merry Christmas and Holiday season and Happy New Year and we’ll see you at our next show. My name is Mostafa Hosseini, and I’m your host for Daily Confidence for Entrepreneurs.
- Marketing Webinar Replay Link – Gift from Tom Poland
- – To connect with Tom Poland
- Marketing with Webinars: Get New Clients in One Hour per Month by Tom Poland
- – Gift from Tom Poland
- The 80/20 Principle: The Secret to Achieving More with Less by Richard Koch
- Ready, Fire, Aim: Zero to $100 Million in No Time Flat by Michael Masterson
- The 7 Secrets of Highly Effective People by Stephen R. Covey
- Autobiography of a Yogi by Paramahansa Yogananda, Ben Kingsley
- Simple Marketing Formula
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