A Mind for Sales with Mark Hunter – 49 ep

Join Mark Hunter and me for a conversation about “A Mind for Sales” ? Mark Hunter, “The Sales Hunter,” is recognized as one of the top 50 most influential sales and marketing leaders in the world. He is author of “A Mind for Sales” his other books include: “High-Profit Prospecting” and “High-Profit Selling.” The focus […]

How Creating and Reviewing your Bucket List will help you boost your confidence – Ep. 12

Why is a bucket list important?

https://youtu.be/k6V_9VxflkY Welcome to Daily Confidence for Entrepreneurs Show – Episode 12  In this episode, Mostafa Hosseini will go over his “Confidence 52! Checklist”, and talk about how “Creating and Reviewing your Bucket List” will help you boost your confidence. You can DOWNLOAD the list at dailyconfidence.show/resources. This is a list that Mostafa has built over […]